Chapter 11 *

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Hunter's POV:

Caitlynn fell right to sleep in my lap. I looked down at her with a smirk. She's so beautiful. I picked her up and putt her in bed. I laid right next to her and I snuggled with her and kissed her cheek. I smiled to myself. Man . never do I smile this much . Thinking of Caitlynn I drifted asleep right next to her.

Caitlynn's POV:

I woke up to something smelling really good. No one was in the room. I put my hair in a bun and stared In the mirror. Eww. My makeup was all of the place from last night. I got the chills thinking about it. *Ding* my phone went off.

Unknown- Don't ignore what almost happened

What the heck. Who is this ?
Caitlynn- who are you what do you want
Unknown- Brake up with Hunter
Caitlynn- your crazy NO.
Unknown- alright. Fine. I guess you wouldn't mind if I killed him
Caitlynn- your insane. STOP TEXTING ME. Your probably a fan.
UnKnown- maybe I am . But doesn't mean I won't kill you or your little friends. BY THE WAY I SEE YOU.
I turned around slowly. But no one is there.
Caitlynn- your bluffing
Unknown- Go to your  closet . There's a note , read it. You work for me now. Fail to listen. Things will happen. 😏.

I didn't respond to the last text. I ran to my closet. And searched for a note. No where . She's bluffing. Just when I was about to quit. I see a folded piece of paper. I take a deep breath and unfold it. I start to read it .

Dear Caitlynn,
                  As you know . You will start working for me. Do what I say . Or else. I know everything. So don't try me. Don't try to tell a soul. Because I have eyes. EVERYWHERE.  I'm glad you get to become my Worker. I'm ready for the fun to start. First order of business. Be rude to him. Ignore him. Make him feel bad. And don't worry if you don't . You know the price.


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