It's Official,Then?

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It was Friday when Flaky got out of the hospital her foot was still plastered so Flippy stayed at her house and insisted that Flaky rest while Flippy and with the help of Lumpy cleaned her house.

"Are you sure it's alright for you guys to be doing this?" ask Flaky. "Yeah, Becky this is what friends do." said Lumpy. "Gee, thanks....oh and Lumpy it's Flaky not Becky." said Flaky. "Oh, right..." said Lumpy before going back to sweeping the floor.


Lumpy finally left not before knocking off a lamp and a flower vase. Flippy sighed as he cleaned up the mess.

"Phew, what a day..."said Flippy as he plop down next to Flaky. "Hmm, what are you watching?" ask Flippy. "Uhm, a-a g-game show." said Flaky. "Can I stay for a while?" ask Flippy. "Sure, my favorite foreign telenovel finale is next." said Flaky excitedly. "Sounds interesting." said Flippy as he joined Flaky at watching.


Flippy and Flaky was laughing as they watch 'Descendants of the Sun'. "I got to admit that was a funny ending." smiled Flippy. "Yeah, Flippy that guy reminds me of you." Flippy raised his eyebrows and said . "Why? Because I'm handsome too?" Flaky laughed and lightly slap Flippy on the back. "Because your also a soldier! You can be so arrogant sometimes." "Not as arrogant as Splendid." said Flippy. "True." replied Flaky.

"Uhm, Flaky there's something I want to ask you?" said Flippy. "Sure what is it?" ask Flaky as she took a bite on a sandwich. "It's's uhm...." said Flippy nervously. "Hmm..." said Flaky not paying attention. "Can I have a glass of water?" ask Flippy. "Hmm... Oh? Yes, sure help yourself in the kitchen." replied Flaky. Flippy then stood up. "Oh and Flippy?" said Flaky. "Yes?" ask Flippy looking at Flaky. "Can you get me a glass of water too?"ask Flaky. "Alright..." said Flippy as he walk to the kitchen.

"A glass of water? Seriously Flippy?" ask a voice. "Hmph! Well your not the one trying to ask a girl if she can be your girlfriend!" snapped Flippy. "Heh, come on just yell it at her face!" teased Fliqpy. "Great idea! Yell it at her face and make her nervous so nervous that she will reject it!" said Flippy sarcastically. "Just get on with it!" yelled Fliqpy then he remained silent. "Flippy a-are you f-fine?" ask Flaky. "Yeah I'll be there in a few minutes!" said Flippy as he drank his glass of water in one gulp then took another glass for Flaky.

Flippy then hurried up then sat next to Flaky who's face was covered by her hands."What's up?" ask Flippy. Flaky nervously pointed to the TV. "Oh a horror movie. Want me to change the channel?" ask Flippy as he grab the remote. Flaky nervously nodded.

"There you can open your eyes now." smiled Flippy. Flaky lowered her hands and smiled. "A nature show? This better not be about sharks again." Flippy then handed Flaky the glass of water. "Thanks! Oh, wow look at that bird." said Flaky. "Yeah, he's trying to impress...the female." said Flippy. "Yeah, so cute!" said Flaky.

"Then they'll stay with each other forever...wish that happens to both of us too." said Flippy. Flaky then looks at him with surprise and ask. "Are you suggesting something?" Flippy then realize what he said.

"F-Flippy?" ask Flaky. Flippy then look at Flaky and ask her."I want to ask you something..." "What another g-glass of w-water?" ask Flaky. Flippy grinned and said. "No." "Then w-what d-do you want?" ask Flaky nervously. Flippy bit his lips and blush. "Tell her Flippy." said Fliqpy in his head. Flippy then look at Flaky then ask her a question.

"Can you be my girlfriend?"

Flaky eyes widen and she blush. When Flippy ask that question his voice seem to be a mix of both Flippy's and Fliqpy's voice and Flaky was sure she saw Flippy's left eye to flash yellow in half a second while the right eye remained black.

"Uhm Flippy are you serious?" ask Flaky. Flippy nodded. "Wow... uhm I'll say no..." "R-really?" ask Flippy sadly cutting Flaky's words. "...if you're someone else! Flippy of course I do!" Flaky yelled as she hugged Flippy.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend!"

"R-really! It's official then?" ask Flippy in surprise. "Yes!" smiled Flaky as she hugged Flippy tighter. "Thank you!" said Flippy as he kiss Flaky in the lips. Flaky's eyes widen in surprise but she returned the kiss. Then they continued watching the show both with big smiles in their face.

An hour later...

Flippy carried Flaky to her room since she fell asleep while they we're watching. "Sigh, you're so heavy..." whispered Flippy as he place the sleeping Flaky on her bed. Flippy then covered Flaky with her blanket. "Good night Flaky..." said Flippy as he kissed her on the forehead. "Good night...Flippy..." said Flaky who woke up for a few seconds but immediately fell asleep.

Flippy then walk downstairs and took out a blanket at his bag that he brought earlier. "I guess I'll stay here for the night...she might need me." he said as he laid down on the couch wrapping the blanket on his self.

"See you did it. Mission accomplish soldier." said Fliqpy. Flippy did a salute and said. "Thanks for encouraging me." "You already know why I help you..." said Fliqpy. "Yes, I do." "So what did it feel like to confess to Flaky?" ask Fliqpy. Flippy smiled and said.

"I didn't regret it one bit."

Then before Flippy fell asleep he told himself a promise to always protect and love Flaky.

Since Flaky was the one he was for waiting for a long time. So he will do his best to not lose his...

...True love...

(Did the ending suck? And I really have to add the 'Descendants of the Sun' in this chapter...sigh I miss watching that already....😍😍😍......wait what? Oh,hehehe... Any way....I hope it wasn't that cheesy.... Thanks for reading guys!)

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