Meeting Each Other

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Samantha's POV:

My name is Samantha and I'm 19 years old but everyone calls me Sam or Sammy. I can't this day was already here. For the sake of a so-called 'better education' my daddy begged me to go to Georgia Southern instead of letting me go to college and stay in South Carolina with him. At first I was kind of excited because I had planned in going there with my best friend.

Later I found out that she had received a scholarship from another college and she left earlier this month to start the semester. Hannah called me the other day and we promised to keep in touch asbest we could. I decided that I would drive down tonight so I could get settled in my dorm.

I actually have a single dorm. I'm kind of happy about that though because I like my space. It's about a 5 hour drive to campus so that means plenty of time to think and plenty of time to listen to music. After I packed all my thing from my room I went downstairs and kissed and hugged my daddy.

I made sure I had everything, grabbed my hat and pulled my boots on. We said our goodbyes one more time and I hopped in my truck. Once I got on the highway, it was fine and I knew I would be there soon enough.

*4 1/2 hours later*

Finally I got there and it was about 5:30 but I left at 1pm this afternoon. I guess it wasn't as far as I thought. I drove around for a few minutes before I finally found the admins office and got my dorm room number and my books. As I was walking out of the office, I tripped and fell onto the asphalt. I hit my head a little hard and I think I sprained my ankle. Suddenly I heard a guys voice, "Are you okay darlin?" Everything went black after that.

Luke's POV:

Hey y'all my name is Thomas Luther Bryan but I go by Luke most of the time. I'm
finally starting my senior year at Georgia Southern and as I was walking back to my dorm I saw real pretty girl walking but she fell on the asphalt. I walked over to see if she was okay but she wasn't moving. She was face down and when I turned her over I saw her eyes closed. She was out cold. I can't just leave her here I thought. I found a paper next to her which had her dorm info on it and a key in an envelope. I grabbed both and picked her up. I ended up taking her to her dorm. Just as I was going to open the door to her dorm I felt her move and groan. She was starting to wake up. Carrying her I opened the door and laid her down on the bed.

She moved her hand and had it covering the cut on her forehead. I went to the bathroom in her dorm and found a small towel. I soaked it in water and went back over to her. "Hey darlin move your hand. You need to clean the cut before it gets worse." I told her.

Careful not to hurt her I used the towel to clean the cut and get what was probably dry blood off her face. She slowly moved her hand and I saw that the cut was halfway across her forehead. "Oww! What happened?" she asked. "You fell in the parkin' lot sweetie. And I think I should take you to the hospital. You might need stitches on your forehead." I explained.

She turned and looked at me. I saw her try to smile but I knew she was in pain. "Who are you?" she asked. "Oh yeah, sorry I'm Luke, Luke Bryan. What's your name sweetheart?" She tried to smile again but didn't all the way. She tried to sit up so I helped her a little bit.

"Thanks Luke. I'm Samantha Jameson, but you can call me Sam or Sammy if you want to." I smiled but saw her look down. I didn't know what to say. "I should get you to a hospital soon. Can you walk okay or no?" She shook her head no and replied, "I can't, I think I sprained my ankle when I fell." She looked down again.

I walked over and her and knelt down beside her as she was still laying on the bed. "Put your arms around my neck."

Samantha's POV:

I froze after he said that and looked at him. "What?" I asked. "You heard me. If you can't walk I'll carry you to my truck. Now put your arm round my neck. Just do it." He told me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

After that I felt him lift me off my bed and he started walking to his truck. When we got to his truck, he unlocked the passenger door and helped me in. He made sure I was okay and then got in on his side. After he started driving I just looked at him and smiled a little. He looked at me and asked, "Are you feeling any better?" I answered, "Yeah a little bit but I can't walk Luke. How am I supposed to do anything?" He looked at me and chuckled a little bit.

"What?" He looked and me and just smiled. "What? Did you think I would just leave you at the hospital or something? I'll take care of you Sammy. That is, if you are okay with that." he half smiled. "Aww Luke that's so sweet of you. Actually I was kinda hoping you would stay." I said biting my lip a little bit. He looked at me a little confused. "Oh why is that?" he asked curiously.

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