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Ok so today was my last thing of band and at the end of our concert my band teacher got all the grade eights at the front (btw there were not many) and gave us all a picture and a flower (except the guy got fudge) and made a speech

She said that on the back of the photo had a message that we couldn't look at with her around

So I got home, opened up the picture frame and it said,

It has been my pleasure getting to know you and be part of your journey.
Teachers name

"Music in the soul can be heard by the universe."

^ There's the photo ^I had to blur out my schools name

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^ There's the photo ^
I had to blur out my schools name

I also got an orange carnation ill post it tomorrow probably

I started crying
Like a lot
I'm really gonna miss my school and band
And I don't want to go to high school
Holy crap man
I'm gonna be bawling on the last day, never wanting to leave
Ahhh whyyyy ;-;

STUPID FREAKING RANDOMNESS 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant