Part 10

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I walk through the halls of my college dreadfully, and sits at the very back of the class .
"So how's the dinner with Marc's family?"  Jess ask me
" awful " i answered bitterly
"What's wrong?" She pushes me
But before i could answer her a familiar figure walks to the class
"Mornin'" Gabriel spoke to the class , his eyes were red and puffy , was he crying?
"Assemble your assignments , i wont accept any lateness" he spoke and all of the students rose up from their seats and stacks their works on his table except for me . I just sat there and give my work to Jess for her to subkit my work because i don't feel like talking to him or even looking .
"Today's class wont be long , after you submit your work , you may go home ,i'm not feeling well. Today" he explains to the whole class
I watched as everyone snickering and giggling because class is dismissed too soon and they packed their bags
But, i stayed till later because i have to end this deal with him .
"You coming stella?" Jess asked me
"No , i'll stay in here i have umm some work to do for other class" i lied to her


As everyone was out and his back was facing me cause he was arranging our assignments and i walk towards him ,
"Do you know how it feels that night stel?" He spoke out of nowhere
"To have you look so beautiful but know that i can't have you" he continues
"And out of all people it was my brother , "
"And you should know too how it feels when you prepared for something you planned on going well , but turns into something disastrous because of someone's selfish reasons" i spat back
"Well i have nothing to lose now have i?" He shouted back to me
"Well actually you do , i'm out of your deal" i said
Then he finally looks at me and face me
"No you're not" he said as he comes closer to me and and i stepped back cowardly , because i never saw him like this before , his eyes are so dark ,
"Talk to me at my house , i don't want people noticing that you always stayed back on my class" he clenches his teeth
"No , we can talk here" i said trying to be brave
Then he grips my hand hard and yanked it towards him , and i fliched , i'm sure it'll formed a bruise
"You listen to me , you come with me now , before i do something i regret" he said
And i just nodded continuesly because how scared i was .
"Good girl" he spoke and motion me to follow after him to his car


In the car as always , it was just awkward silence , with Gabriel stealing glances at me every now and then , as he sped off , and me worrying about my safety . Until he pulls up at his place and we both got in the house
He then looked at me studying my face before i earned a hard slap towards the floor , what just happened i thought as i tried to fet up from the floor amd holding my cheek
"You whore! Tell me did my brother ever touched you?" He said while crouching to the floor next to my limp body and grabbed my chin towards him
"No" i croaked
"Really? Two fuckin years dating , and you tell me , he never touched you" he said
"Unlike you Gabriel , he has respect" i spit towars him earning a hard kick to my lower abdomen as a loud gasp escapes me
"Liar!!! You and your slutty ass strolling into my parents house , pretending all your saint like appearance!!"  He screamed, now i was beyond scared , this abuse that i was going through right now, reminds me of how my father used to beat my mom .
And he then dragged me towards the all so familiar bedroom of his and slam my body to his bed
And he held me down .
"Now , now .. We need to loosen up your attitude , you've been very bad lately ,and i need to know if you're really pure like you said" he seethed as he proceed on taking off my clothes and i trashed underneath his body
"Get off me"
"Pleaseee , i'm sorry" i begged
"Daddy always gets what he wants" he smiled creepily

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