Part 22

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Gabriel's POV

I watch her body moves unsteadily during the whole movie , i can feel how her heartbeat increases in each of the the jumpscares , as she tries to conceal herself from screaming , so she just snuggles to my chest , eachtime we came to a jumpscare , and that just made me love her more ,
I love the way he cute fingers wrapped around my shirt and the way her face contorted refusing to look at the screen but instead against my chest . I help her body close to mine , i wanted to engulf her in my embrace .

I rub my fingers soothingly through her back , when the movie finally ends , she looks up at me from her crouching position . Oh her eyes , her cute big doe eyes that made me melt everytime , so innocent , so beautiful .
I think she almost leaned in to me for a kiss , but she stopped herself from that , i wonder why?
Before she can pull herself back , i grabbed her jaw and kiss her rather roughly , towering my body above her so that i was on top of her as she lays down on the couch .
I feel fireworks , forget fireworks , i feel the world explodes when we kissed , and i hope she feels it too .
She didn't even push me away , she just accepts it , and what suprises me most is the way her mouth dances with mine ,
The way he supple pink lips grazed over mine tastes like sugar and drugs that i can't avoid .
When i pulled away gasping for air , i ask her
"Baby , did you just kissed me back?" I ask her not believing she did it , she finally accepts me
"I think i did , i'm sorry daddy" she pouted and looked away obviously being embarrased of her behaviour,
"No , it's okay ... I'm just very happy that you finally gives us a chance" i smiled towards her.
She only nodded , normally i would ask her to reply with words , but i was just too happy to do that to her , i don't want to ruin this moment .
"Baby , how about i run you a bath?" I said as i took her hand to get up from the couch she lays in .
"That would be nice , thankyou daddy" she smiled back .
Is this for real? Is this happening right now? She finally loves me!!' She loves me!'
I sat her down in her room as i told her to wait for me to call her after i get her bath ready .

I put in some bath salt ,as i watched the warm water filled the tub , then i dropped some rose prtals all over the water .
My baby girl deserves it , she just pleases her daddy .
"Sweetheart , your bath's ready " i called her and watched her opening the bathroom door in her tiptoes .
"Now why are you still fully clothes? " i eyed her
"Daddy , i'm sorry .. But i wasnt ready-- you know--" she spoke stuttering
"Its okay , i know you're opening up to me , i wont rush you , i'll leave you to it then" i walked pass her , but her words stopped me in my tracks
"Daddy, thankyou for the bath" she said not even looking at me , and that just made my day .
I closed the door behind me as i feel as if butterflies was dancing inside my stomach ,
I hope to God this is real , that i wasn't dreaming , she loves me.
Them i head to my secret room , what do you mean by secret ,
This is all about Stella , my dear baby girl . All my research about her is here , pictures of her decorated the red walls
From the day she walked through the halls , just talking to her friends , ordering her tea , even her naked self in the shower or sleeping next to me .
Maps on the places she usually visits , the bookstores , the art studios . And on the walls is also the people i killed for her .
Marc face was up the walls as i write big "X" all over his face and also Stella's mom .
I sat on my study desk as i watch all her pictures on the wall , as i opened up my journal , and write another day with her , another entry that i love to share with only my journal .
I was so keen on writing because i was so happy today . I write with full on glee on my face .

Stella's POV

My plan worked , i was so desperate on getting away from this psycho , that i had to be nice .
So i tricked him to think that i was finally obedient , give it time , one week or two . Whe he finally trusted me ,
That's whe i'll escape , but for the mean time , let's just enjoy my self in his kindness that i know wont last long .
That smile on his face though , so , so genuine , i loved the way it looked on him .
And that kiss we shared just a few moments ago , i'd be lying if i said i didn't feel anything .
But i can't let this happen or go too far ,  i grazed my fingers with the warm water as i played with the rose petals that he scattered in the water , how thoughtful .
I believe that he's just a misundersttod person , but still the way he did to me was wrong ,
So i refused to stay , i'm leaving , one way or another , even if i had to spread my legs like a whore .
I'd still do it , that's how desperate i am to get away from this hell .
I had to snatched away all my good thoughts of him , and think of the bad thing that he had done to me, i let it fuel me .
Consumes me , i just had to escape , my mum must be so worried ,
She must looking for me like crazy , God i missed my mum  ,
As i closed me eyes and sink into the water , just imagining i'm home with my mother .

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