Part 15

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Stella's POV

Mum and Anne were both in the living room, small sobs were heard throughout the house ,
I sat in the dining room quietly until Gabriel tried to hold me as he sat next to me ,
This is the last thing i need right now , i don't need him to make me feel better .
I brushed his hands away from my shoulder as the tears in my eyes started to form again , i can't cry right now . Not in front of him , i wouldn't know how to stop if i did .
He tried to reached out for me again but i stood up from the chair and as i was about to walk away , he spinned my body to faced him , and i fought my way out punching him with my trembling hands ,but he only brings his body closer to him and he ended up holding me as i let out all my bottled up tears
"Sshhhh it's okay , it's gonna be okay" he said as he strokes my hair through his fingers
His voice calms me , but i can't do this .
He kept saying those words tor reassure and i just held his arms , because i know i'd fall to the ground if i didn't , my knees has become so weak .
I loved Marc so much . And look at me now , cuddled in his brother arms like a whore .
After a good minute of Gabriel just holding and soothing me ,
He lets go of me and sat me down on the dining chair and makes me a tea and some for my mother and Anne too , i nodded as a sign of thankyou .
After he brings the tea to mum and Anne on the living room ,
Gabriel offered to take me to the morgue to look at his body , and asked me for a few words in Marc's funera tomorrow , i only nodded . As we both sped off to the morgue .


As Gabriel spoke to the administration i sat quietly and i can feel his burning gaze on , then he pulled my shoulder up and we went straight to Where Marc's body laid ,
He opened the door for me , and i hesitantly stepped in , i feel like i was choke in my own sobs as saw Marc on the table ,
He didn't look bloody as i had expected him to , all his cuts were stitched neatly , he almost looked alive if it wasn't from his pale and blue lips . He looked so peaceful . I held his stiff and cold hands . Just speaking through my mind , hoping somewhere he can listen .
Gabriel touched my shoulder as comfort , but i really can't right now .
"Gabriel please  not now " i muttered
"Stay with us tonight , i think my mother would like that " Gabriel offered me
"No , i've caused enough trouble already" i said back without looking at him and my gazed fixed on Marc's lifeless body
"Tomorrow's the funeral , it'll be easier if you stayed with us" he said again
"Okay" i just said that so i don't have to argue with him any longer
"Please just take me away from here , i can't look at him like this" i said to Gabriel
And he embraced me and kissed my head , while i just accepted what's to happen , with guilt forming inside me
"C'mon let's go" he said and he led us back to to his parents house


As he opened the door . My mum and Anne was still in the living room , and Toby was there too
I just nod my head towards him as he does the same , his eyes were bawling red , just like mine and Anne's .
"Mum , Stella is staying with us tonight to prepare Marc's funeral tomorrow" Gabriel said
"Thankyou honey" Anne said to me  before she walks up towards their  bedroom with Toby i assume .
And i said goodbyes to my mum and she gives me a kiss to my tear stained cheeks before she left .
" drive safely please mum" i said to her
"Always" she replied , the she closed the door behind her leaving me with Gabriel
The rain was still pouring , the afternoon has become darker , if anything the weather seems so gloomy and cold .
"You can stay in Marc's room if you want" he said
I nodded
Then he led me towards Marc's used to be room and i sat on his bed , it even smelt like him .
"Please don't cry anymore" Gabriel sat next to me
"How can i not Gabriel? I mean , he's your brother .. You should've cried more than me" i sniffled
"I did cry , but i figured , everyone's crying , who's gonna reassure my mum , dad , and you? Someone's gotta be the strong one" he said back
I just nodded
I realized i cannot cry anymore As i laid down in Marc's bed and Gabriel respect me by not making perverted remarks at me at all just a few soothing hands on my shoulder .
My body felt so limp after all the crying i felt so weak . I closed my eyes and before that
I heard Gabriel muttered "forgive me" and kissed my head as i fall to unconciousness .

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