Horrortale! Sans x reader

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You quickly slammed the torn purple door and were breathing heavily from running from the horrible goat monsters that was only otherside of the door. A cold rush of wind hit you and made your (long/short) soft, silky hair wave a bit. You only had a (f/c) shirt, long (scnd/f/c) skirt, and black flats. The snow crunched softly under your feet as you walked along the wide snowy path. You had come across some odd things like a snow dog. When you had tried to gently pet it, its head fell off. You had also come across a rather tall and lengthy skeleton with a genuine smile holding a plate of spaghetti. "HELLO HUMAN! WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRY THIS SPAGHETTI?" He asked. You denied and went somehwere else. 

A faint taping sound was heard. You began to fallow the sound to a small wooden booth with a short skeleton in it. He had one glowing red eye while the other was pitch black. There was a hole in left side of his skull. "Hey there buddy, you look kinda hungry. Want a hot dog?" He asked. "No thank you." You reply softly. This skeleton scared you. "Aw come on pale, I put blood, sweat, and tears into making this." He says trying to guilt trip you. You saw a glimmer of silver metal. A meat cleaver was slightly visible behind the booth. "I wouldn't get to close to you, especially with that meat cleaver you are hidding." You say meakly. The skeleton looked at you in a bit of shock. "Ya caught me kiddo. Your a smart one." He said. You left to continue on your journey before that skeleton could catch up with you.

HT!Sans P.O.V 

I was waiting at my booth when a human girl came up to it. My psychotic grin grew wider. Fresh meat. I thought. "Hey there buddy, you look kinda hungry. Want a hot dog?" I asked. "No thank you." She reply softly. I began to feel a bit calmer around her. It was a warm feeling unlike the cold crazed one I had always felt. It was...nice. I had to focus on getting her to come closer, and not consern over strange feelings. "Aw come on pale, I put blood, sweat, and tears into making this." I said trying to guilt trip her. "I wouldn't get to close to you, especially with that meat cleaver you are hidding." She said meakly. I looked at her in a bit of shock. "Ya caught me kiddo. Your a smart one." I said suprised at her cleverness. I was going to get up and attack her anyway but she left before I could do anything.

As she left, so did the warm comforting feeling. It was back to cold and crazed. I wanted to have that feeling again. It was such a foreign feeling down here in this insane place. She was unlike the other humans. I didn't really want to kill her.

Your P.O.V 

You hadn't run into any other monster just yet. You were getting really cold though and creepy sounds started to soon become heard. Up ahead in the distance was what looked like a deserted town. Though a monster or two could be seen lerking. You hadn't made it quite there yet when a screeching sound was heard along with the sound of thumping behind you. You turned and saw a few zombie deer like creatures chasing you. You sprinted off in a direction towards the woods instead of the town to try and loose them. They caught up to you quickly and knocked you into a tree. You hit your head and fell. They began to try and bite you. They managed to do that a few times till something spooked them away. "Get away ya pests!" The voice shouted. He flash of a silver meat cleaver was seen. Your vision started to  become dark. The short skeleton from the booth was standing over you with the same psychotic grin bit with a hint of worry. You gave a faint look of fear before passing out. 

HT! P.O.V 

I went looking for the girl kinda hoping she wasn't killed already. I heard the screeching of the gyftrots. I teleported to the sound to see two of them attacking the girl who was on the ground. "Get away ya pests!" I shouted swinging my meat cleaver at them as they scattered and ran off. I looked at the helpless girl as I stood over her. I had a sudden feeling of worry for her but shook it off. She gave a final look of fear before passing out. I picked up the girl and carried her bridal style back to my house. Papyrus wasn't home yet so that was good. I went and got a wet rag and some bandages and began to patch her up. 

I ran my hand through her (h/c) hair. It was so soft and silky. The warm comforting feeling came back. I grew attached to this feeling very quickly. She was so beautiful now that I had gotten a good look at her. She began to stir and wake up. Once she had gained continuousness and saw me she backed up to the edge of the couch in fear. I placed my hand on her shoulder and she flinched. I chuckled a bit. "Hey kid, I'm not gonna hurt'cha. The name is Sans, Sans the skeleton." 

Your P.O.V

You had woken up to the short skeleton from earlier in front of you. You backed away to the edge of the couch in fear. He placed a hand on your shoulder causing you to flinch expecting him to hurt you but he didn't. He only chuckled a bit. "Hey kid, I'm not gonna hurt'cha. The name is Sans, Sans the skeleton." He said. "(Y..Y/n)." You reply. "W..why did y..you save me?" You ask. "Because kid, your different from the other humans that came down here. Plus, I like ya.~" He purred. Sans pulled you onto his lap and nuzzled his skull in your neck, wrapping his hands around your waist. You sat there in confusion, though the more you thought about it you kinda understood what he was feeling. Being stuck down here in a place of chaos for most of your life then finding something that made you feel calm and happy.You allowed him to hold you like this and wrapped your arms around him as well. 

After about two weeks of staying at that house with Sans and Papyrus, Sans had asked you out and you said yes. Sans had decided to have you two go on a walk. During the walk however monster dog came up to you and tried to attack you. Not only that but it had licked you as well which was confusing. You yelped as it had bit you. Sans wacked the creature with his meat cleaver he still carried. He brought you back to the house. Sans had you sit on his bed so he could patch you up. "I don't want anyone harming you." He said. "Same goes for you Sans, you already have this large hole in you skull." You say kissing the edge of the crack in his skull. "You won't have to worry about me, I have been handling myself for years down here. You, however, are far to precious to be injured by the terrible creatures down here." 

"Oh but Sans, aren't you one of those 'terrible creatures'?" You teased. "Yes but you have tamed this terrible creature." He says pulling you into a kiss. It was a rough but gentle kiss. You both pulled appart and Sans laid down pulling you on top of him. Sans wraps his arms around your waist and held you close. He ran his hand along your back under your shirt. You shivered a bit. "Heh, you humans are so soft and warm." Sans said. You blushed harshly and hid your face in Sans shirt. He stopped and cuddled you giving a relaxed sigh. You kissed his skull. "Night Sans." You say resting your head on his chest. "Night (y/n)." He replies and you both fall into a blissful sleep.

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