Dancetale!Papyrus x Slightly Clumsy! Reader

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You were at the skeleton bros house cleaning it up a bit. Both Sans and Papyrus were out practicing there dancing for an up coming dance off at Grillby's. You heard the front door open and made your way out of the kitchen and into the living room. You tripped on the coffee table leg and fell, but a pair of skeletal arms caught you in a dip position. You looked up to see Papyrus. You began to blush at the position. "Hehe, be more carful next time human." He says. You nodd as he helps you up. 

You have had a slight 'thing' for the tango dancing skeleton for a while now. You loved watching him dance. You wished tou could be his partner when he did certain dances but you would find your self stumbling over air sometimes when you tried to dance. Heck, even when you weren't dancing you would trip over the most avpidable things sometimes. Papyrus would never want you to dance with him. 

You sighed and walked back into the kitchen to cook dinner. Papyrus came in and looked over your shoulder to see what you were making. "Spaghetti! My favorite!" He says. You smile. "(Y/n), would you like to be my dance partner for the dance off at Grillby's?" He asked. You were in complete shock. "I..I don't know about that Paps, I'm way to clumsy." You say. "You just need some practice. Please (y/n)?" He asked again. This mig be your only chance to dance with him. "Ok Papyrus, I will." You say. "Fantastic! We can start to practice tomorrow!" He says walking out of the kitchen. 'What have I gotten myself into?' You thought. 

The next day you and Papyrus were practicing a a partner tango dance routine. However, you kept stepping on his feet or slipping. "It's alright, (y/n), you'll get it!" He says. Unknown to you Papyrus thought it was kinda cute the way you stumbled a bit. You sighed and sat down on a bench. "I can't so it Papyrus, I'll just mess it up." You say doubtfully. Papyrus sits next to you. "No you won't, you doing fine! Just don't think about it to much." He says. "I believe in you!" You sigh again and get up to practice a few more times.

-------------night of competition---------

"I'm nervous Paps. What if I mess up?" You say. "You won't mess up, you'll do great!" He says encouragingly. You both were dressed in professional dance costumes. Your outfit was (f/c) and sparkly with ruffles to accent your movments. "Next up we have (y/n) and Papyrus with a pairing tango!" This was both your que. You both walked out in the middle of the dance floor and faced each other. "Don't worry about messing up (y/n). Just focus on the music and me." He says. You gulp slightly and nod. 

The music starts up and you both begin the routine. You twirl and Papyrus dances along side you. You focused on the music making sure to hit each and every beat. And of course Papyrus. It made you relax into the dancing knowing he was hear along side you. Before you knew it the song ended with him holding you in a dipping position. "(Y/n), I have been waiting for the right moment to tell you something. I love you." He says. "P..Papyrus, I love you to!" You say happily. He chuckled quietly. "Then you won't mind if I do this." He says and leans closer kissing you. The audience goes wild. Cheering and whistling was heard everywhere. You melt into the kiss. It was sweet and gentle. Unfortunately, you both had to pull away and leave the dance floor for the next dance.

You and Papyrus won best dance award. "I told you, you could do it." Papyrus says. "Thanks Paps for believing in me." You say. Papyrus pulls you in for another kiss and picks you up bridal style. He carries you all the way home for a night of cuddling. 

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