As the first rays of sunlight slips in through the bars of imprisonment
That you are locked up in with its key long since forgotten
Breaking through reminiscences of your past
Illuminating your pale dirt stained face
Giving a warm glow to your hollow eyes
Gloomy shadows cast against marks on the walls
A counter of the days survived
Shackles that chain a crippled soul bearing a bleeding heart
Rattles as you face towards the window
Imagining yourself as one of the soaring birds
The taste of freedom forgotten
The hope burning inside you has dimmed
The dreams never to turn in to reality
Your thoughts have become your only companion
Keeping you sane or will it drive you to madness?
Inspired Hearts
PoetryA collection of my poems NOTE: These are all my works. Do not even think about stealing them or I'll hunt you down. I am not kidding. It's just all kinds of wrong (ethically, legally) to palagaris someone else's hard work.