Chapter 1: "See you soon."

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"What?" The only word I responded to this crazy old man named Albus Dumbledore.

"Yes, you heard right Ms. Vogue. I want you to go back 55 and a half years ago to meet Tom Riddle. You see, he grew up on a muggle orphanage where he discovered magic and used it for his own needs. He also grew up alone without his parents by his side, his mother died when he was born while his father left them." I raised my left hand indicating I wanted to speak.

"Professor, as you said, his mother died because of child- birth, but his father was still alive...why do he leave them?" I asked curiously sad. It must be hard on him. Yeah, I may be a cold-hearted bitch, but I still have this what we called, a feeling deep down inside.

"Before having Tom Riddle as their son, they loved each other but this love was wrong. Ms. Merope Gaunt was a Pure-blooded witch but she's incapable of doing magic that's why she called a Squib, which made her an embarrassment to their long line family of Pure-bloods and then she met Tom Riddle Sr., a muggle born. She developed a strong kind of feelings towards him, but sadly he can't return those feelings on her, that's why Ms.Gaunt gave him a love potion, a strong love potion which we called-"

" Amortentia.." I suddenly said. My eyes suddenly widened in realization and then I looked at Professor Dumbledore while putting my puzzle about Voldemort's parents together.
"That's why...Sir, that's why Voldemort was merciless, ruthless, and heartless because he's alone, he didn't feel love,care,and importance and because he was made under the influence of love potion,but sir? It will change after all right? If someone show love,care, and importance to him,right?" I rambled out, I'm quite proud of myself though.

"Yes Ms. Vouge, he needs someone to show that to him and that someone is will be you"
" What?! No way!"

"Yeah, I'll miss you too." I said rolling my eyes while dragging my trunk and sat on the black, leather, comfy armchair.

Rubbing my face with my hands, I sighed. Draco sat on the arm of this arm chair, he placed his arm around me and I leaned on his side.

"I think, I can't do this." I mumbled. Draco squeezed my shoulders and rubbed it, it really comforts me.

"You can, just don't let yourself down and always remember that I'm always here for you even though, I'm not there. " He said sincerely. Yep, you read right. Draco Malfoy was a softy.

"Thank you Draco, for always been there when no one else was. I'm glad you considered yourself as my best friend because I don't really have a real friend until you came and you know that, that's why you always blackmailing me about it.But still, I don't know why he chose me, I mean, why me? There are others that can do it, but me? I'm just a normal student. I don't want to dig the information that will make me shocked and backed out. Oh well, maybe Voldemort was gorgeous at our age, that's an advantage." I joked. We laughed, I looked on the grandfather clock that was standing still beside the window.

11:00 pm

"I have to go Draco, see you soon." I said standing up. He stood up also and gave me his greatest hug where he only gave to me and his mother, I feel special.

"Yeah, see you soon." He said offering me a sad smile. I responded him a sad smile also and turned my back, dragging my trunk behind me while I began my journey to Dumbledore's office.

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