Chapter 11: Hogsmeade

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After few weeks...

I woke up with so much energy because I remembered we're going to Hogmeade today! I danced around the room yelling, probably, can wake the whole Slytherin dormitories up.

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UPPPPP---Oof!" I fell and landed face flat on the floor. It was because my lovely roomates threw their pillows at me. I sat criss-cross style looking up to them innocently.

"What the bloody hell is your problem Howell?!" Alexandria growled ready to pounce on me.

"I'm dreaming about being a queen, thank you for waking me the hell up!" Elena said irritated as she glared at me.

"Yeah, now, if you don't want to sleep, let the others be!" Beatrice Parkinson grumbled. ( I heard this girl fancied Malfoy AND Riddle, not a surprise there.) Me being me only snickered which earned a deadly glare coming from pissed off women.

"C'mon ladies, do you remember what we have today?" I asked giving them a cheshire cat smile, they looked at me curiously. I understand, they've just woken up unhappy.

"Hogsmeade!" After I said that, they threw their another pillow at me which made me fell backwards, still sitting.

"Hey, who will you give that journal?" Elena asked as she saw me purchased this cool, black, leather-covered journal from a thrift shop. I've decided also to encraved his name with it. Yes, you're right, I'm giving this to him. These past days, I've notice that his group were became oddly closed to us because those men rarely interracted with anyone unless they're up to something, but of course, me being a curious person I am, kinda went to their minds and see some of them may be or may not like my grandmothers...this sounds weird...

"Secret...AND no clue." I teased her. She pouted and I flicked her lips, she swatted my hand. We went to Three Broomsticks to meet Alexandria because she saved us seats there first.

Oh, you may be thinking who signed my permission? Who else? Of course its my parents. Professor Dumbledore gave me the permit with my parents signature on it before I leave, incase something like this happened and "some" money as they said.

"Why'd you two take for so long?" An impatient Alexandria Delora greeted us as we sat on our seats. I sat across from them because I'd like my seat for my own, very selfish, who cares?

The famous butterbeer were served for us, I touched the cup, thankfully its warm since the weather was hella cold. I looked up to thank the waiter and-- holy cricket! he's so bloody fine in the name of Merlin's bloody pants! I kept staring at him while he's giving the glasses to my friends. And, they were checking him out, if you could called it secretly. Who wouldn't? he had this curly dark brown hair that you would like ran your hands on it, a typical nerdy glass that framed his dark brown eyes, a not so sharp jaw line-- but who cares?, and a sharp nose tha-

"Hello love." What the hell?! can these boys can give us a break?! You may be confuse yeah? Well, Riddle and his followers who consist of Howell and Malfoy-- even Vogue was here decided to seat with us even though, there are some vacant seats around.

The waiter just stared on us-- oh my Merlin on ME! but it means if we want or need something, I gave him a smile as a return and shaked my head. He went back to the counter where he get the orders and delivered it.

Cue some whispers and stares coming from the nosy students. Can't blame them because first, I think these boys rarely go here...or just Tom Riddle, and second, our table's loud.

"What the bloody hell are you doing Howell?!" Alexandria seethed as she pried away Howell's arm that wrapped around her. Vogue and Elena-- well they've just got their own little world. Sparks everywhere.

" Why are you looking at him?" Malfoy asked on my left side sipping on MY butterbeer jabbing his head on the boy. I slapped his hands away and snatched it from him.

"Why shouldn't I?" I shot back, he just shrugged and whistled while his lips were pointing someone beside me.

"Er-- what's with Riddle?" I asked looking at him curiously. As I said his name, Riddle looked from his conversation with Vogue and Howell and turned to us, Alexandria and Elena looked interested also that made them stopped from their giggling fit.

"Yeah, what's with me Malfoy?" Riddle's cold but hot voice asked beside me. I turned to looked at him and saw his cold eyes looking at Malfoy,  he then looked at me and it slightly softened.

"Ohhhhhhhhh..." The two girls gushed that made Riddle quickly turned to his hot cocoa and drank it. I cleared my throat and drank my butterbeer that's been half-way empty, thanks to Abraxas Malfoy.

" OH MY MERLIN'S BLOODY PANTS!!!" My two crazy friends squealed and danced around on our dormitory as we went back from Hogsmeade. They shaked my shoulders as I sat on my bed which made me dizzy.

"Stop it! Even I can't believe it. Now please? let me rest." I tiredly asked them which made them shut the hell up. I'm tired and I need to sleep because THERE'S QUIDDITCH MATCH TOMORROW!!! And no, I didn't try out. Too lazy and not in mood. I know I know, I should've not spoke about quidditch like that.

"But we need to eat dinner!" Elena whinned. I buried my face on my pillow and groaned.

"I'm tired and besides you have Alexandria with you and those boys!" I complained. They chuckled and leave anyway. I heard the door closed and I removed the pillow from my head and then dugged my hands under the comforter where I hid my journal.

I checked the step number 2 which was "Be Aquintance" I guessed we're now because he's one of my partner in D.A.D.A, right? Oh well.

I hid my journal again and lay down, I closed my eyes and drifted into my world of dreams.


A/N: Hello! 

So I dedicated this chapter for @Queen_Princesse for adding my story in her Reading List "HP" . Thank you so much luv, it really means to me that you appreciate my story. :') ♥

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