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   "Fawkes." Roadhog spoke silently, his voice echoing through the small, cold room, wheezing softly behind his gasmask. He was holding his hook in hand, Jamison leaned against a box of gold they have just stolen, victoriously playing with a bomb he made. 

   "Sup, Hog?" the smaller Junker hummed, unaware of the shitstorm that was coming for him. After a few seconds of silence, Roadhog spoke up, his words slow and seemingly processing even for the giant. He formed them slowly, and clearly so Jamison could hear him clear and loud. Time slowed down for the flaming rebel, and even the gleaming lights on the tips of his hair slowly went out, streaks of smoke slowly becoming smaller and smaller. A knot grew in his throat as it felt like he was being suffocated, all oxygen sucked out of his damaged lungs.

   "Y-Yer kiddin', right? C'mon, Mate. Its not April first, ye promised tah stay with me-"

   "Got enough loot." was all the tubby fighter huffed before turning his back towards Junkrat, not glancing back "It's time I leave." he added and left the broken young adult sitting by the loot which they fought so much for. The gold roughly clanged as Junkrat shifted his weight weakly.

Roadhog left.

He left him behind. 

After all they went through, he just...


The room suddenly felt cold, and his chest felt empty. His body and mind was paralyzed. It felt like Roadhog's words replayed in his head again and again. Everything went by so fast, yet it felt so slow. The deep voice which gruffly spoke kept on sending shivers down the pyromaniac's spine, and caused him to tremble. The fire in his hair slowly died out, and something slowly began to trickle down his dirtied cheeks.

He was crying.

The Australian left him, for no reason. A sudden flush of anger glistened in his mind, which caused him to angrily jolt up on his feet, rushing up to a wall, his flaming hair flailing everywhere.

Roadhog LEFT him.

A loud clank echoed through the room. 

He left him. 

His broken metal hand dangled loosely, pieces of scrap metal dangling from cracks in the wall.

He threw him away after all he did for him?! He wasn't just some trash Roadhog can throw away, he was a human being! He was an acquintance. He was...

He was a lover.

His heart suddenly felt crushed. He loved the man.

He cared for him.

And he felt used. Memories slowly flooded the maniac's mind, his everything gone. His world was crushed.

Mako disappeared. Forever.

Fawkes stumbled back and tried to stay on his feet, but his wooden leg got stuck in a crack in the ground.

The spring snapped as he fell back, his thigh flinging up, the spring hitting his forehead and scratching it. Blood trickled down his face as he stared at the stub of what used to be his replacement leg.

Roadhog would know what to do.

Roadhog always did.

But now.

"Get away from me."

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