It's Over, Fawkes

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Mako laid there, vulnerable and weak. He had to get up, Junkrat must have heard the explosion. He slowly pushed himself up and got on his feet, but his body said no. He collapsed into his own pool of bodily fluids and laid there, wheezing and panting. His skin was stained red in several spots and he could barely feel his ribcage, his entire body feeling like it was about to shut down.

"Oi, the fuck- oh god." Jamison's face went pale white as he limped to the doorframe, using a plank of wood as a crutch. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He whimpered and stared at the tank, tears in his absurdly tinted, wide eyes.

"Don't worry about me, pipsqueak." The man gruffly stated and slowly pushed himself up again, only to fall straight backdown, his body trembling. The smaller junker stared in horror and shook his head, hopping over to Ruthledge and fell down by him, sobbing.

"Stop this, mate." He sobbed and grabbed his arm, lifting it around himself to pull him up. His entirety was trembling, and if it wasn't for the small burst of adrenaline the explosion gave him earlier, he would have collapsed on the spot. "Cmon, the joke ain't funny anymore! Please stop this!" He pleaded and slowly began to cry like a little lost child.

"Hey, look at me." Roadhog whispered and turned his head his way before weakly smiling, only to cough up blood. "Stop bein' such a whiny baby, alright? You are a grown man, you can take-"

"No I can't! I need you here man!" Jamison burstsed out and grabbed the larger one, trying to pull him up on his feet, but him having only one made the process impossible "C-C'mon it's gonna be okay, h-hm?" He sobbed and shut his eyes tight, the small hairs on his bleached pale and dirtied skin sticking up.

"Listen 'ere, you need to go. For your own safety." Roadhog murmured and pushed the smaller away with a hand, sighing weakly. His body was going to give in any minute now.

"No, I-"

"Go!" Mako roared, his deep voice echoing through the close set buildings, a few crows flying high as the giant shouted.

Junkrat stared at him and slowly shook his head, sitting by him.

"I- you are leaving." He whispered and took heavy breaths whilst weeping softly, hugging his knees. "I- do you remember the time we got our first mission? It-it was crazy stuff, eh?" He mumbled and ran his dirty little fingers through his bleached locks.

Mako wanted his acquaintance to go, but he didn't at the same time. He wanted Junkrat to tell him a few things to remember before going to the afterlife, he wanted to be happy in his last few moments.

"It was crazy." The smaller one whimpered and sighed, starting to tell the story of their first mission.

It was to steal boba. Mako always questioned the motive of this weird action, but went along with it. He just followed the instructions of his employer and distracted the small roadside shop's owner while Junkrat quickly rushed in and crashed a few security cameras before stealing a few plastic cups filled with the already made drinks, most likely about to put on display. He sneaked out and nodded at Roadhog who would suddenly start sprinting like a piglet that was just given its portion of carrot in the other side of the barn.

"Th-those were some good times, huh?" He softly whimpered and tried to smile before bursting out crying Mako suddenly grabbing his waist and pulling him close to himself.

"Don't cry, pipsqueak." He mumbled, not much energy in his words.

"B-but I'm losing Ye man. Yer more than a bodyguard n' Ye know it." He sobbed and wiped his face with his wrist "Yer my lover." He whimpered.

Mako was sitting in a small boat they stole for the night, Junkrat sleeping in his lap as there wasn't much space on the boat.

Ruthledge ran his meaty fingers through Junkrat's hair and sighed under his large mask, looking at his acquaintance's smaller face and frame, his heart filling with warmth.

"Oi love you." He softly spoke and shut his eyes under his mask. He wasn't sure as to what sparked this interest, but the main reason he offered his services to the junker was just plain out of interest, now that he thought about it. Junkrat had a pretty face compared to the other fucked up parasites and even zombies the radiation created, so the madman was a pretty good catch in the hellhole.

"Love ya too." Junkrat whispered and softly opened his eyes, winking up at him.

Roadhog laid there and stared at the sky before slowly turning his head towards Junkrat, wheezing quietly. He ever so weakly squeezed his side and slowly went limp, Jamison suddenly feeling more alone than ever.

He stayed there for God knows how long, his entire body paralysed. After a few moments that felt like hours of silence, he finally peeled the other's arm off of himself, hopping back to the loot room. He wasn't going to bury Hog, he wasn't strong enough to do so.

"Fuck!" He roared.

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