four; under control

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Cross Country: the most tiring thing I will ever do in my life. I mean, I loved working out and all, but Coach made us run extra so we could be the 'best team ever'. Plus a meet was coming up and we needed to prepare.

As I was stretching, Isaac came over to me. "Why are you wearing yoga pants? Tight yoga pants?"

"Because it's what I always work out in," I bend down to touch my toes, but Isaac makes me stand straight up.

"Just take a glance at Aiden," I turn around and see Aiden smirk at me.

I knew he had a thing for Lydia, but this was kind of creepy. I remember last year when I was climbing the rock wall with Isaac and I overheard Jackson yelling at Matt to stop staring at my butt. I must have a pretty good ass.

Isaac seemed pretty furious when Aiden kept staring at me. I touched his arm, but he just shrugged it away walking over to the starting point.

"Is Isaac alright?" Scott comes up behind me and asks.

The whistle blows and the twins take off running. Isaac is about to go after them, but Scott and I run over to him.

"Isaac," Once again I place my hand on his arm, but he pushes it away.

"It's them!" He sprints off in the direction everyone else is going.

Scott and I run after him, but what did Isaac mean by 'it's them'?

"Human sacrifices," Scott answers for me. "Stiles figured it out. Heather and the guy at the pool were virgins – so was the girl's girlfriend Derek and I found in the woods that night. Isaac has a crazy speculation that Aiden and Ethan are behind it."

We round a corner to see Aiden and Ethan pinning Isaac to the ground. Before Ethan tries to do anything to Isaac, I throw him to the ground while Scott throws Aiden. Isaac gets up and I transform; prepared to take these two ass holes in a fight.

My ears pick up screaming and we all stop and run to the source. A man is tied to a tree by the throat; blood everywhere. I almost gag at the sight, but this must be another one of those human sacrifices Scott was talking about.

I slowly back away when Sheriff Stilinski and another cop push us back. I think Isaac is wrong when he blamed Aiden and Ethan for killing these people. The guy on the tree had no signs that a werewolf killed him; it would be a human or another supernatural creature that killed him.

"Kayla," Stiles calls out while Scott and Isaac follow him. "Do you think the twins killed that guy?"

I look over at Isaac who is practically begging me to take his side. "I don't think they did it. A werewolf would've left claw marks everywhere. They wouldn't do all of that."

"Aha! Thank you Kayla!" Stiles exclaims.

"Listen I don't care," Isaac says. "They killed that kid. They killed the girl that saved me. Now I'm gonna kill them too."

He walks off without another word and the three of us are left standing there, actually grasping the thought that he might kill them.


A loud tap awoke me from my sleep in class. I looked up to Mr.Harris hovering above me with the most creepiest look over.

"Third time this week Ms.Whittemore," He sighs. "Lunchtime detention for you today."

"Bitch," I mumble when he turns around and walks away.

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