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Harry's P.O.V

"Oh Harry." Hermione gasped. "They're getting so big!" She cooed. The babies were cleared to leave the house so Draco and I decided to meet up with our friends at Hogsmeade. We got a private booth so it wouldn't be all that hectic. Hermione was holding Jay as Blaise was holding Liam.

"They're about six and a half pounds." Draco answered standing over Blaise like a hawk. I stood near Hermione.

"Wow." Hermione said. "And they're healthy?"

"As far as we know." I said. "They have an appointment with the healer in two days."

"My turn." Ginny said. Hermione reluctantly handed Jay over and Ginny cradled her. Ginny gave her a big smile and Jay reciprocated.

"Oh she's so precious." Ginny cooed. "And look, she has speckles of red hair." She touched Jay's hair a bit which made her start crying. Draco was there in an instant pushing me out of the way and I chuckled.

"She's like her mum, doesn't like her hair being touched." I said and Draco took the baby into arms. "Draco, she's alright." I assured as he held her close to his chest. It was really the first time Draco and I allowed other people than Snape or Cissy to see the baby. Sure they saw them in the hospital but it was the first times others got to hold them.

"I know." He retorted as she calmed down. He hesitantly gave the baby back and Blaise handed Liam to Pansy.

"He's going all protective mother." Pansy giggled.

"I am not." Draco defended. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him.
"It's okay. They're okay." I whispered in his ear. He turned and kissed my lips.

"So how is your sex life with them?" Blaise smirked and I squeaked blushing.

"Well I kind of hurt Harry three weeks ago while having sex so we can't have sex for another three weeks." Draco explained.

"Why don't you bottom?" Pansy chuckled and Draco huffed.

"Since I can get pregnant, Harry and I decided that I should only bottom if we want another baby." He defended.

"Makes sense." They agreed.

"So you haven't done anything?" Neville asked and I chuckled.

"No we have. Gotten quite proficient at blow jobs." I admitted and that made Neville blush. After a bit we put the babies back in their carriages to eat some food. Draco felt uneasy about breast feeding in public so he pumped some milk before we left to give to the twins.

After we returned home, we put the babies in their cribs and went to sleep in our own bed. As we slept soundly, a wailing sound woke us up. I hopped up and trotted into the nursey. It was Jay so I walked to her crib smiling but then it dropped when I noticed her face turning blue.

"Draco! Draco come here!" I yelled. I picked my little girl up and she continued to cry. Draco rushed in and noticed the blue baby.

"What happened?" He asked and I just shook my head frantically. "We need to go to St. Mungo's." He ran over to Liam as we rushed to leave the house. We hopped in the floo as Jay's face was almost all blue. We landed and I ran out.

"Help! Help! My baby, she's... she's turning blue." I rasped. Jay was taken by a healer and rushed off. I collapsed into a chair and brushed a hand through my hair. Draco sat next to me holding the sleeping baby boy in his arms. He put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my head. We stayed there in silence for a bit until Liam woke up and wanted to be fed so Draco went to a washroom to feed him.

"Mister Potter?" I heard so I jumped up. This time it was man healer and he smiled at me. "Precious baby you got there."

"Is she okay?"

"She is doing just fine. She was a tad bit oxygen deprived so we put her on a muggle breathing device. She's responded well to that so we took her off of it and gave her a potion to settle that."

"So her lungs were underdeveloped?"

"Not necessarily." He told me. "Some babies just get like that."

"So her twin, will this happen to him?"

"No he should be just fine." He told me and I let a sigh of relief out. Draco walked back out cradling Liam to his chest.

"Draco love, she's okay." I told him and he smiled handing Liam off to me.

"Can we see her?" He asked and the healer nodded. He turned and motioned for us to follow. We did and he brought us straight to our daughter. She was curled up in a little pink blanket in a little nursey basket as another healer was feeding her.

"I hope it's okay we're giving her formula. It won't do anything to her digestive system."

"It's fine. When can we take her home?" Draco asked. The healer who was feeding her picked her up and smiled.

"You can take her home now." She assured us and handed Draco Jay who instantly curled into him sighing. "Seems like she know who her mummy is."

"Yes she does." Draco cooed. "Thank you for all your help." He said and they shook our hands. We left the hospital and Draco insisted the twins stayed with us. He put them between us and put a repelling charm on us so we wouldn't roll over.

"Goodnight Harry, love you."

"Night Draco love you too." 

Sorry it's so short, I've been sick. 

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