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Draco's P.O.V

I was lying on the bed as I cradled my belly in the fetal position. I groaned as another wave of pain washed over my body. Harry wasn't allowed to come into the room so I was alone. A healer walked in and gave me something. It wasn't a pain potion but it was some sort of soother.

"Please tell me the baby is alright." I cried. She waved her wand and smiled.

"Your baby is perfectly okay, if not a little bit upset." She said. "The pain was just an alert for you to calm down. I wasn't able to give you a pain potion but the fetal soother was perfectly safe to give you." She informed me. I placed my hand on the bump and rubbed it.

"It's okay?" I asked and she smiled.

"You baby is safe. You can leave but you'll have to be on bedrest for the remainder of the day." She said and I nodded. She allowed me to get up and we walked out together. Harry rushed over and I hugged him. "Mister Potter, everything is just fine. Your husband needs to be on bedrest for the rest of the day so make sure the only reason he gets up is to use the toilet only."

"Okay." Harry said. "I can take him home though?"

"You may." She smiled. "Have a nice day." She told us. Harry picked me up bridal style and we walked through the floo. We arrived back home and I snuggled into his chest as he brought me up the stairs. We made it to the top and he turned right and then left bringing us into the room. He placed me on the bed and kissed my head.

"I'm gonna go get the twins, okay?" He asked. "You'll be okay by yourself?"

"Yes." I agreed and then he kissed my lips.

"I'll be back." He told me and then walked out. I sighed and turned on to my side gently placing my hand on the bump. I had been able to feel the baby for a little bit. It was like little hiccups against my tummy. The healer had told me that if I talked to the baby, they could hear me.

"Hi baby." I cooed. "I'm your mummy and I love you so much already. You have two older siblings and I know they're gonna love you. They're very loving babies and I think they get that from your papa, he's a really good guy. He taught me to love and I think he just likes seeing me as a softie. Always trying to bring down the big bad Slytherin, that one. But in defense I was always trying to bring down the big headed Gryffindor. I think I've succeeded. I think we balance each other out which makes a great pair." I told the baby and it moved a bit making me smile. There was knock at the door and I looked. Harry was cradling both the twins who smiled and clapped at me.

"Up for some company?" Harry asked.

"Of course." I smiled. He walked over to me and placed the twins on the bed. I leaned in and pressed a kiss to each of their lips. They squealed and I smiled. "Did you have a nice time with Aunt Granger and Uncle Weasley?" I cooed.

"Goo." Liam declared banging his fists on the bed.

"I'll take that a no." I laughed and Harry sighed getting into the bed with me. He had been standing there.

"Hermione and Ron said they were great except the occasional pout from yours truly, Princess Jay." Harry tickled her belly and she squealed out in excitement. He picked her up and then placed her on the ground. Next he picked up Liam and did the same. "Alright my prince and princess, show mummy what we've been working on."

"What and when have you been working on?" I asked.

"We've been working on something while you were asleep." He told me and I sat up a bit. I placed my hand on my bump as Harry squatted near the babies. "Go on." Harry told them. Jay hit the floor and then rocked on her butt before balancing on her hands and knees. She started to crawl and I gasped. Liam followed after his sister and tears made their way into my eyes. My babies were crawling! I scooped them up and snuggled them.

"They're crawling!" I bawled and Harry rushed to my side.

"Oh please don't upset yourself so much." He pleaded.

"I'm so happy." I told him. "They're getting so big." I sniffled and he kissed my head.

"I know." He told me. "Soon enough they'll start talking." He kissed my head. "And then walking." He told me. He placed his hand on my belly and then kissed the bump. "Then we have another milestone to look forward to. Three months and then this little bundle will be in our arms."

"I can't wait." I admitted in a whisper.

"I can't either." He told me and smiled. "But promise me something?"


"We won't have any more babies until the twins are at least five." He told me and I laughed. I brought his forehead to mine and kissed his lips. I heard the babies squealing so I pulled away leaving my forehead against his.

"That's all up to you." I said. "Mister." I grabbed his crotch and he bit his lip.

"I know." He groaned. "No teasing." He gasped and I pulled away. I looked at the twins and grinned at them.

"Mummy likes teasing your papa." I giggled. "Are you ready for your nap?" I asked. And like it was on cue, their eyes started to droop.

"I've got 'em." Harry said but I shook my head.

"Let them stay here." I insisted and moved them so they were both on the pillow. I turned so I could throw my arm around them. "We're gonna take a nap."

"Okay. I love you." He pressed a kiss against my head and I smiled.

"Love you more." I told him and myown eyes drooped until I slipped into a deep sleep.    

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