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Harry's P.O.V

After I proposed and had an emotional moment with Draco, we went home to the little cottage to 'celebrate'. He had me pinned to the wall kissing at my mouth hungrily and I groaned grabbing his hips.

"Harry." He moaned.

"Drake." I panted.

"I want to bottom." He whispered in my ear and I looked at him.



"Draco, I...I--- we're not ready for another baby." I said to him and he kissed my neck.

"Wear a condom then Potter... please." He begged and I groaned.

"I don't have any." I told him and then moaned as he left a hickey on my neck. He brought my over to the bed and fell back with me on top. He pulled my lips to his and he moved to get his wand.

"I'll transfigure one." He told me and then started to undress me. He transfigured something into a condom and then when he got my boxers off, he slipped it on.

"Fine." I moaned at the contact. I undressed him and then after preparation we made love that night. When we finished, I pulled off the condom and then lied down next to him, spooning him. "Are you alright?" I asked and he turned to face me with a giant smile on his face.

"I'm more than alright, I'm brilliant. We're gonna be a family Harry." He told me and I pressed my lips to his.

"I know. I'm excited to call you my husband." I whispered to him and he looked at his ring.

"This is so beautiful, where did you get it?"

"I'm not telling you. But I'm glad you like you it." I kissed his cheek. "I was thinking maybe we can get married on our one year."

"But that's in two months." He looked at me with wide eyes.

"I know but we don't need anything too extravagant." I assured and he bobbed his head to the side. "Plus I only want our close friends there."

"Like the six of them?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay what about the Weasley clan?"

"Them too."

"Fine." He sighed and I snuggled closer to him.

"Even if they were blood traitors?"

"Even if they are blood traitors." He agreed and I snorted. I pressed my lips against his temple and then yawned.

"Come on let's sleep."



"What about Severus?" He asked and I sighed.

"Snape can come too." I told him and then tightened my hold on him. "Come on, let's sleep."
"Okay goodnight my love." He whispered and I smiled. I kissed him one last time.

"Goodnight my dragon. Sweet dreams."

The next morning, I woke up with a groan and looked over. Draco was still slumbering peacefully so I wiggled out of his grip and walked into the cottage's kitchen. I quickly cracked eggs and started to beat them. After the eggs were scrambled and put on the stove, I started to make bacon. I poured orange juice and plated all the food. I carried it on a tray and walked back into the bedroom where Draco was lying awake.

"Morning." I smiled and he grinned.

"Morning. That smells amazing." He said and I smiled.

"Thank you. It's all for you." I said and then placed it on the bedside table. I crawled back into bed and he placed the food tray on his lap.

"I'm gonna share." He told me and I smiled. We shared a breakfast and a good snog before heading to the shower... separately.

Draco's P.O.V

"Harry?" I spoke softly as we were getting changed.

"Are we going home now?" I asked and he smiled.

"Miss the babies still?"

"More so than anything." I admitted and he grinned.

"I'm happy to hear you say that because I miss them too. I already packed the bags while you were in the shower. All we need to do is floo home." As soon as those words left his mouth, I grabbed him and headed to the floo. He chuckled and I grabbed the floo powered but then looked at him.

"Wait, does my mother know we're engaged?"

"Of course, I needed to ask for your hand. I am a man of tradition."

"Yeah getting me up in the duff BEFORE the wedding is real traditional." I retorted and he snorted.

"Let's just go." He said. I nodded and threw the floo calling out the manor's name. We landed in the main room and I walked out briskly as Harry stumbled. I rolled my eyes and helped him.

"Draco, Harry, is that you?" Mother called.

"Yes mother." I called and she walked out with a big smile on her face.

"So?" She grinned and I smiled showing her the ring. She gasped and looked at Harry.

"Very nice Harry." She nodded her head. "The twins are in the other room with Severus."

"I thought he'd be gone by now." I frowned.

"No, he doesn't need to leave until tonight. I'm sure you're dying to see the twins."

"I am." I said and sprinted towards the door. I heard Harry laugh behind me but I paid no mind to it as I made it to my babies. Severus was feeding Jay as Liam was happily in a high chair clapping away.

"My babies!" I cooed and picked up Liam who giggled. "Did you miss mummy?" I cooed pressing a kiss on his head.

"They were very well behaved Draco." Severus said and then when Harry walked in, he handed the baby girl over to him. "Very good children. Now let's see the ring." He told me. I blushed a bit but put Liam on my hip and showed him the ring. "Very nice Mister Potter." He nodded towards Harry who started to burp Jay.

"Thank you sir, we expect you up front at the wedding." He said and a glimpse of a smile appeared on Sev's lips.

"Very well." He nodded his head.

"We're planning it to be in two months." I said hugging my son close.

"So soon?"

"We don't plan on a big wedding. Just a few close friends and family."

"Well I'm sure your mother will want to help out." He said and I nodded my head in agreement. "I shall see where she had headed." He told us and then left. I rolled my eyes and then looked at to Harry. He sighed and we switched babies.

"Two months?" I asked and he smiled.

"We can do it in two." He promised. "If anything, we can always push it back."

"Okay." I agreed. "I love you."

"And I love you."

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