Singing with friends (Karaoke)/feelings

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"Rose you better tell me " Kat said getting aggravated at Rose 'cause she isn't telling her " after all you made me set it up so you have to tell me" Kat said triumphantly giving her previous statement support " fine" Rose said rushing Kat over to a nearby corner so the boys wouldn't hear them " when you were singing earlier it gave me an idea to do karaoke " Rose said in a hushed voice while seeming really exited " are you insane..... you know I don't sing in front of people " Kat said almost yelling " you'll be fine you can sing in front of me  so why couldn't you sing in front of them" Rose said trying to reassure her that it will be fine  " but....I can't they're guys and I like one so that's why" Kat said and realized she said she liked one and covered her mouth blushing slightly "oooooooh who is the lucky guy I bet its Bill, it is isn't it " Rose said getting all giddy *Bill walks over to them* "whats me?" Bill said questioningly " oh just that Kat li-" Rose was talking until her mouth was covered by a very flustered Kat "n-nothing" Kat said "okay" Bill said raising a brow to the girls and shrugs walking back over to Dustin. The girls walk out of the corner and start to speak " okay well we brought you here so we could do some karaoke " Rose said happily " yeah we're going to do that but the people sitting are going to play the instruments" Kat said finishing her sentence  *everyone sits down* "okay so who's going to go first " Dustin asked "I say we vote on it " Rose said " I vote Rose" Kat said " I second that vote " Dustin said " meh I was going to vote Kat but I vote Rose " Bill said " noooo uhggg fine" Rose said putting on a pouting face as she stood up grabbing her microphone " wait can we do duets ? " Rose asked " sure" the rest of the gang said " then Dustin get up we're doing a duet" Rose said "hey why me " Dustin said "because your the closest "  Rose said pointing to where he was sitting while winking " get on with the show lovebirds" Bill yelled "SHUT UP BILL I WILL STRANGLE YOU!!"Rose yelled obviously flustered as they started singing the song.(i do not own any of these songs or videos)

They finish their song and Bill and Kat applaud in response " I vote that Bill and Kat do a  duet also" Rose said mocking a fancy voice " indeed I believe they should too" Dustin replied doing a fancy voice similar to Roses " Fine I guess we could do a duet" Bill said looking at Kat " fine " Kat weakly mumbled under her breathe before being pulled up by Bill which shocked her making release a small squeak sound then they began to sing as Dustin and Rose started playing the wooden guitars.

(cue applauds ) Rose and Dustin stared in shock at the two because the song and they were holding hands fingers intertwined and it looked as if they were about to kiss when Rose starts to fan-girl and Dustin yells " you two should kiss " making the two realize what they were doing as they let go of each others hands looking like tomatoes then they realize the deal they made a while back and decide to tell them "Dustin" Kat started off " Yeah" Dustin said "well you remember that deal I made with Bill" she continued " Uhh yeah " Then Bill started to speak " I finally figured out what I had wanted in return a while back " " what " Dustin said getting more curious by the minute " well I asked her to be my girlfriend " Bill said " ...." Dustin didn't reply but they continued speaking " and I accepted" Kat said with a tint of blush on her face when everything went into an awkward silence until Rose pops out from behind the couch at started yelling and fan-girling "I KNEW IT *giggles* WHY WOULD YOU GUYS HANG OUT A LOT BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...................!!"


                                                                                                              - stormybloodmoon

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