The guy who I secretly stalk

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My name is Paris.I just moved from New Jersey to Miami where I am starting high school.

But I'm in 12th grade.I am 17. I was unpacking when I then looked through my new window.I saw a cute boy kicking a soccer ball in what looked like his room.It had posters of race cars and and his bed was all messed up with blue and black stripes on the covers.He looked like he was my age.I started putting my books in my pink shelf above my new white and pink desk.I looked at him again.This time we made eye contact.His eyes were a dark green color and he had blonde hair. I don't know how long I was staring but he looked at me with a weird face and went into another room."Oh my gosh it's already 1:00 pm.I forgot to text Cat." Cat is my best friend since third grade.Her real name is Catherine but I call her Cat.She moved when she was 11.So now she lives nearby.We are supposed to go to Cat's house to eat. I am so excited.I texted Cat: "I am soooo happy 2 go to ur house gonna tell you so much, I am on the way!" She responded the second I hit send."COOL I AM SO HAPPY!" so "kk" We as in ,my older sister Laura,My dad and my mom.I was too tired to actually text now. I have totally changed since the last time she saw me.We used to hate Justin Beiber and boy bands.Now,i am in love.We got to the Robinson's house.They had a pet cat.Her name was Fluffy.It is so typical for a cat to be called Fluffy.I mean the cat is fluffy, yes but why is that it's name.I looked at Cat. I was so surprised.She had changed so much!She dyed her hair black with white tips ,she had peircings in her stomach and nose,she was wearing a tiny rag of clothing that was black and the tiny broken shirt said "GO DIE". What had she become?! I hoped it wasn't her but"Paris! you're here! I am so excited" her voice was low and she seemed bored. "lets go to my room" she announced"alright,so how are you?" I questioned trying to avoid an awkward silence."i feel like death!' she scared me so much, I almost said a bad word in her face.She seemed like she wanted to be dead.She used to love pink and she would always suck on lollipops when she came over, she would wear pink and white dresses"wonderful" I said in a scared voice.After an hour of being in a dark room with skulls as decor it was time to eat.I was free from Gothlandia. As I walked outside of the room I stared in a suprised face. I was so confused. It was the boy that lived next to me,also known as the guy I stared at for 20 minutes, was here with his parents."Hi I live next door to you."He looked at me like I was crazy.He looked at me for a long time,so now I weirded out but after 10 seconds of eye contact he said "hi, my name is" then Cat screamed "You know her?" "well she lives next door." then Cat stated"He is my boyfriend not yours.stay away from Diego!"that completely crushed my dreams of being with a hottie.Diego and I talked and we had a lot in common.Score! We went home at 5:38pm exactly.I remember because Diego kissed me in the cheek.It was Monday.I am so excited.Today I start SummerWest Charter School.They call it SWH for short. "Alright let's see.Period 1: Biology, Period 2: Dance,Period 3: Geometry,Period 4: U.S history. "cool,only 4 classes." I walked to my first period. As I walked in I saw Diego.When he saw me he whispered something to another kid and the kid high fived him and left to another seat. "Paris! sit here." "thanks" I sat next to him and took out a book.The day passed by really fast."Class dismissed!" we all ran out the door and I almost died because of all the people.I walked home.i opened the door and threw my backpack."So how was school?" my mother asked as soon as I opened the door."fine,oh wait a second!" I ran upstairs to my room.i looked through the window and I saw Diego and Cat.I waved at them and Cat walked up to the window and closed it.She looked mad,really mad.His curtain was kinda see through so I took that as an advantage.I watched as Diego gave Cat a kiss on the mouth.A really fast one, like 1 second.But then Cat pounced on him, they were making out like Bella and Edward (twilight fans know what I mean).It got to the point were Cat was only in her bra and she was struggling to take of Diego's shirt.Now this girl sees me and she starts trying to take off his pants.Diego is running while Cat chases him.I had my window open, and Cat opens his window so I could hear them or something ."Get off me!" Diego pleaded."Oh No!" Then it got quiet.Now this is weird.Cat had opened the window.i saw something and I was scared for life.They were both wearing only underwear."thats it get out of my house!" Diego ran to his closet and put on clothes.Cat gave me a dirty look and left.Diego looked embarrassed.I went back to do homework and thought why they were even dating. It seemed like he was being forced to be with the goth queen. it's been two months since that disturbing stuff happened. so this is what I know:blood type A, full name: Diego Ramirez Pepe Frank Jonas,birthday: June 24, 1996. I am not allowed to talk to him because of a jealous Cat.So I got this information from a window.

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