Chapter 1

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Luke's POV

"Take the picture!"

"Shut up you'll wake them up"

"I am awake you assholes" I laughed opening my eyes, pulling Ashton closer to me. "Now shut up before you wake him up" I said as he nuzzled into my neck.

"Lashton as fuck" Calum laughed

"I ship it" Michael said, completely serious "How'd this Lashton cuddle session come to be anyways?" he asked

"He had a nightmare and was really upset" I said, it wasn't completely a lie so I stuck to it, not wanting to tell them the real reason without him wanting to.

"Awhhhh Lukey to the rescueeee" Calum said

"Guysssss shut up before you wake him uppp" I whined. "I am up" Ashton mumbled snuggling into me more. "And I have been for awhile honestly" he said

"Well as much as you two are fucking adorable get your asses up we have a gig later" Michael said

"uggghhhh" I groaned burying my face in Ashton's hair. "Do we have tooooo" He whined

"Yes now get the fuck up" Calum said "Ugh fine" I mumbled "go awayyyyy"

"Fine fine just get the hell up" Michael laughed as he and Calum left the room.

"Are you okay Ashy?" I said softly when they left the room "do your arms hurt at all?"

he nodded slightly "I'm okay Lukey they hurt a bit but I'll be okay" he mumbled nuzzling into me "thank you"

"no problem Ashy, I wasn't just gonna leave you there" I said "and if you feel like that again please talk to me okay? I don't want that happening again okay?" I said quietly holding him closer. He nodded nuzzling into me. "We should get up before they come back." he mumbled I nodded and let him sit up. He stood up and grabbed his bag and walked into the bathroom. He came back a little while later, he had on a black and grey striped sweater, the sleeves tugged over his hands and I could tell he had on a bunch of bracelets under it. I had gotten dressed after he went left. He smiled at me and grabbed his drumsticks from his bag and headed downstairs. It was weird, he was always so giggly and happy but he did that, I'd have to watch him now, yesterday he did seem a bit off, quieter than usual. I'll have to pay attention to when he gets like that. I followed him down the stairs. Michael and Calum were eating leftover pizza from last night and Ashton was laying on the couch upside down. I chuckled and sat next to him, "What are you doing Ashy" I said as he shifted and put his head in my lap.

"Waiting for Mikey and Cal to get done with breakfast." He said as I started playing with his hair.

"Ohh okay Ashy" I said. Deciding not to ask about it until later. He nodded and nuzzled into my hand.

When Cal and Mikey came in they just looked at us until Mikey said, "Okay. what the hell is going on here you two are all cuddly all the sudden and just yesterday you would barely let any of us touch you Ashton. so what's going on" he said

"Well damn." I laughed "but anyways he had a nightmare like I said before and it went from there" I said

"You two are hiding something and we're gonna find it out eventually." Calum said

"But anyway. Let's get going. Luke you gotta drive." Mikey said as he walked out the door, Calum following behind.

Ashton looked up at me, "W-what if they find out Lukey? I'm not ready to tell them yet" he whimpered quietly, tearing up slightly.

"Hey calm down okay? They won't find out and if they do I'll explain it to them okay? Don't worry Ashy. Now let's go yeah?" I said trying to calm him down.

He nodded and got up walking to the door, me following behind him. When we got to the car Cal & Mikey were both in the backseat. When me and Ash got in Mikey said, "I figured I'd let the two lovebirds sit together anyways" he laughed making Ash blush.

"Oh shush Mikey" he mumbled looking out the window. I smiled and started the car. God he was fucking adorable, but we probably would never be able to be together. Maybe.

really short and the ending sucks iDIDNT KNOW HOW TO END IT BUT tada

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