Old Friends

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Chapter 19
Pucks pov:
I watched as some blonde kid and Rachel stormed off and looked at Quinn and Finn. They were holding hands and Quinn was crying in Finns arms .

"Hi." I said to them.

Quinn looked at me and then suddenly ran away.

"I gotta go." Finn said and ran after Quinn.

Weird. I thought and followed them.

Rachels pov:
I was at home on the couch crying when there was a knock on my door, it was Noah. I opened the door and he was standing there with a bag of chocolate icecream and pizza.

"Hey there Berry." He said.

I smiled and said,

"Hi Noah."

"You going to let me in or are we just going to let this vegan pizza get cold?" He asked me .

I smiled and let him in .

"So whats going on with You, Finn, Quinn, and that blonde kid who has the Justin Bieber hair?" He asked me.

"You mean Sam? Well he was Quinns boyfriend till she cheated on Sam with Finn and as for Finn and I there is no Finn and I. We broke up and haven't spoken since amd then we were almost together until I told him I had sex with this guy." I said.

"Wow, thats a lot so are you and Quinn still...."

"No were not and apparently we never were . I can't believe she did that to me and I'm not even mad that she and Finn are together I'm upset because she didn't even ask me if I was okay with it she just did it without any consideration of me or Sam. Poor Sam, he really liked her too. As for Finn I'm done with him , I don't need him to be happy . They made their decisions and now I'm making mine, I'm done with them. " I told him.

"Wanna a beer?" He asked me.

"Didn't you just get out of juvi?" I asked him .

"Exactly why I need a beer . Juvy was awful." He told .

"Well if you're going to drink, you should just stay over because I won't be sober enough to drive you home." I said taking the beer.

"Oh I love drunk Rachel." He said and we laughed .

(1 hour later )
Puck and I laid on the couch and he looked at me and said,

"You know Rachel you don't need Finn to be happy you're amazing just the way you are." He told me.

I smiled and said,

"Thanks Noah." I said.

"You're welcome Berry." He said and smiled.

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