Nose Job

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Chapter 24
(2 weeks later)
Finns pov:
The glee club was in Booty Camp practicing dancing for regionals when suddenly I hit Rachel in the nose knocking her down.

"Oh my god!" I said.

"Rachel are you okay?" Mr.Shue asked her

"I think you broke my nose Finn." She said.

"Oh god , I am so sorry." I said.

"Its okay, I think I should go see a doctor though." She said.

"Yeah come on I'll drive you. " I said and we went to the hospital.

(30 minutes )
"Well it's definitely broken." The doctor said.

"What should I do?" Rachel asked him.

"Well it'll heal on its own but you always get a nose job." He told her.

"A nose job?" She said.

"Well you are 16 right? We can get you a new nose if you wanted too." He told her.

"Won't that hurt my voice?" She asked me.

"It could actually improve it, but the choice is yours." He told her.

"Oh right." She said.

"Well just something to think about. You can go now." He said and we left.

(Back at Rachels)

We pulled into the drive way and Rachel was about to leave when I said,

"You're not thinking about getting a nose job are you?" I asked her.

She paused,

"Well I mean my nose is kinda weird and it could help my voice . " She said.

"Rachel you don't need one your great just the way you are." I told her.

"Look it's not your choice Finn it's mine and a lot of girls my age have one ask Quinn and Santana and Brittney they all have one. " She said.

"Quinn does not have a nose job." I said.

"Yes she does she told me. " She said.

"When?" I asked.

"This summer." She said and left.

(The next day)
"How could you not tell me you got a nose job?" I asked Quinn .

"I didn't this it was a big deal." She said as we walked to glee club.

"Well now Rachel might get one." I said.

"And?" She said .

"She doesn't need it . " I said.

"Why not , she's a loud to do what she wants ." She said.

"But she's fine just the way she is . Maybe you should talk to her ." I suggested.

"No, why?" She said.

"Because we both said until you be friends with Rachel we shouldn't be a couple." I told her.

"No you said that and why is Rachel so important anyway. I mean come on Finn neither of us need her." She said.

"Wow nice talk for someone who use to be your best friend." I told her.

"Use to be." She said.

"All I'm saying is just go with her today and try to convince her not to get one." I said.

"Fine I will." She said and walked away.

Rachels pov:
I was in the waiting room with Quinn waiting for my appointment with the doctor when I turned to her and said,

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