Chapter 13 - The Epilogue

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The train whistle blew and Skye grabbed her robes and suitcases, loading them in to her compartment. After she finally managed to get the luggage compartment to shut, she sat down and waited for her friends to join her.

Trip arrived first, with Kara soon behind him. They sat down on the benches across from Skye.

"So, you two, huh?" Skye wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

Kara laughed and then replied, "well if you must know, yes."

"Finally! Ever since the ball I thought it was going to take forever to get you guys together."

Trip rolled his eyes, "you're one to talk," he said as he pointed to Ward who had just opened the door. He waved at them and sat down next to Skye. Skye immediately put her head on his shoulder and stuck her tongue out at Trip.

"Personally, I still think we need to worry about getting Fitz and Simmons together," Skye said and the other three nodded.

"What about us?" Jemma asked as she and Fitz finally made their way in to the compartment and closed the door.

"Oh, nothing," Skye said.

Jemma squinted her eyes at Skye, trying to figure out what she was hiding, "okay, if you say so."

The train whistle blew a second time and the train started to slowly pull out of the station. Ward smiled as he looked out the window at Hogwarts, "I'm gonna miss this place."

Kara sighed, "me too."

Skye nodded, even though she, FitzSimmons, and Trip would be back next year, they still felt sad knowing that Grant and Kara wouldn't be with them next year. Skye wrapped her arms around Ward, and Ward, without hesitating, put his arm around her shoulders.

Kara soon fell asleep on Trip's shoulder and Fitz and Simmons nodded off about an hour later. Skye looked up at Ward, "so what're you gonna do now that you don't have to go to school anymore?"

Ward shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. Quite honestly, I never really even thought about life after Hogwarts."

Skye smiled and removed her arms from around his middle, setting them on her lap excitedly, "Oh! I know! You can become a famous Quidditch player and then when I graduate I can become a famous Quidditch player too! We'd be the coolest team ever," she smirked as she imagined it.

Grant laughed at his girlfriend's over active imagination, "we'll see."

"What about you, Trip? What're you gonna do after you graduate next year?"

Trip shook his head and smiled, "Girl, I just don't know yet. Maybe I'll replace Madame Hooch and become the gym teacher."

"That would be awesome!" Skye smiled, "and then you could, like, teach everyone to play Quidditch and you can tell your students that you were best friends with us back before we were famous," Skye said, still trying to convince her friends that she was going to be the best Quidditch player that the wizarding world had ever seen.

"Whatever you say," Trip laughed.


"I'm gonna miss you," Skye said as she hugged Kara, "it was great to get to know you."

Kara smiled and hugged her back, "you too, Skye, take care of Grant for me."

Skye nodded and then moved to Fitz and Simmons. She hugged them both tightly, "I'll see you both next year."

Fitz and Simmons both returned the hug and smiled at their friend, "see you then."

Skye then moved to Trip and hugged him tightly, "see you next year."

"You know it," he laughed and returned the hug.

Skye then released him and made her way to Grant, "and you," she said, pulling his tie making his face closer to her's, "I'm gonna miss you the most," she said quietly and then pressed her lips against his. His hands moved to the small of her back and he held her close.

He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, "I'll miss you too."

She smiled and then turned around and picked up her suitcases. She walked towards a shiny red car and threw them in the trunk. She then climbed in to the back seat and buckled her seatbelt, "dad let you take Lola?"

Natasha and Maria turned around from the front two seats and smirked, "yeah well, you know how he is."

Skye smiled, "alright, let's go."

Natasha grinned and put the keys in the ignition, turning the car on. Skye smiled as they drove far enough away so that they could start levitating. Natasha hit a small blue button on the steering wheel and the car's tires folded in, with shiny metal rectangles taking their place. The rectangles, where the wheels should be, started to spit out a steady stream of air until the car was off the ground.

Skye smiled as they rose higher and higher in to the sky. She tapped Maria on the shoulder, "what do you want to bet that she's gonna crash it again?"

The End!

It's been a pleasure *tips hat*

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