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After disarming the alarm system to Briggs house we quietly crept upstairs so that we could find out which room he was a We Came Upon the Master's bedroom and I heard moaning I cracked the door open and this nasty motherfucker had his wife pinned to the wall and had some bitch shoving a dildo in his ass I damn near threw up busting the door wide open they all looked at the four of us in shock you know what Briggs you one nasty motherfucker I Said his white skinned turned purple he started looking at his dresser messiah got see what his punk ass looking at

Messiah : awe hell no that nigga dick is out I ain't fucking with it you wanna see what he looking at you go at let me know how you feel about being around a nigga with his dick swinging barely the other female said in the room I lifted up my gun and shot that bitch right in the head ..

Unknown person : I'll do messiah acting like a punk I walked over to the dresser and it was 2 pistols inside

Messiah : shut the fuck up I knew brion ass was a fruit cake but not your yellow ass

Kanye : ok can we stay focus we pose to be in and out of this bitch and we are wasting time

Marcus : Look messiah tie his big ass up and don't complain nigga just do it he mumbled under his breath something smart speak up I can't hear you motherfucker

Messiah : put on some pants nigga and I might make your death less painful Briggs slowly pulled his pants up and his wife cried still pinned to the wall after that I handcuffed his ass to a chair

Marcus : tell me everything about Zoe and if you lie I will fuck your wife and cut her throat I said he started to cry he ran everything by me from the time he met Zoe so what is Zoe planning to do to me and my family?

Briggs : man I don't know he never ran that by me he just told me he needed some heavy military weapons and some goons from off the street so that's all I gave him he never told me his plan.

Marcus : where can I find him and you better not lie

Briggs : I meet him at this warehouse but I don't know where it's at every time he calls before a meeting someone pick me up and they blindfold me so I can't see where we're going but I know that the building is somewhere up north that's all I can tell you man just let me go and my wife.

Marcus : you really think we will let you go after you tried to kill me and my family you must be out of your mind what are some some of the names that you got to help him out

Briggs : Some fools from downtown Chicago they had sometime to do in prison and I made the deal that if they would help I would take some of the time also will not let him go at all they agreed they are suppose to be having a meeting tonight but I never asked where...

Marcus : it was nice doing business with you BOW BOW BOW I sent three shots to his head listen here bitch were is Briggs safe I know he has one ... I said to his wife.

It's Down stairs in the basement under the rug the code is 179233 PLEASE dont kill me she cried ..... Sorry but you've seen to much BOW BOW BOW ...
I shot her three time in the head

Marcus : messiah go get the shit out of the safe and meet us out back in 5 and kanye go cut the gas line and turn the stove on high ....

Unknown person : can a nigga come back out now

Marcus : almost after we take down Zoe and that son of his I said walking outside of the house after we all left 10 minutes later heard a loud BOOM a smirk appeared on my face .... Next stop downtown Chicago

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