Let Me Try To Fly

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I woke up in the morning feeling really sore and my throat hurt.

"Niall." I choked out. He rolled over and looked at me.

"Your voice sounds terrible, babe." He hugged me into him. He was warm and comfortable.

"II'm probably sick, you might not want to hug me." I sighed, feeling like crap. Niall smirked.

"But I wanna hug u." I rolled over to face him. I gently kissed his nose.

" I love you Niall but I don't feel like getting u sick on a big tour." He smiled and hugged me tighter. I coughed and went limp. fuck it.

"Have you cut recently?" He picked up my left wrist and saw the new scab from two nights ago. He let out a slight gasp and he turned me to face him.

"Diana Styles, please don't cut. When do you do this one?" He asked softly.

"Two nights ago." I whispered. Je frowned and put my head to his chest.

"Babe, please stop." He whispered, falling asleep again. I frowned to myself, I woke him up to help me get better, and all he did was fall back asleep. I thought back to an edit I saw, thinking, Niall's gonna be SUCH a great father. I ended up falling asleep against him.


"Niall, I dunno." I could head Harryes voice and Niall was still against me.

"C'Mon, mate. The worst that could happen is she gets in trouble." Niall says, I can feel his chest vibrate when he speaks.

"No, Niall, she can't go out again."

"Why not?! She's 15!"

"But Niall,the fans will kill her." LLiam's voice chimes in. I sigh which causes Niall to look down. I quickly act like Im asleep.

"Li, she'll be fine." Niall says finally.

"God, fuck it Niall." Harry yells at him, I hear him open the door and slam it.

"Fuck." I hear Liam and feel the ground shake as he runs to leave. Niall grunts and gets up, leaving me feeling the warm fabric of where he slept.

"Niall, where are you?" I try to sound sleepy. I open my eyes and see him at the desk writing.

"Here babe." He looks back at me. I smile slightly at him. He gets up and sits next to me in bed.

"Sweetie, I'm going to send you to EElijah's house. His mother and I planned everything out. You'll be fine, but I won't see you for maybe two months." He says gently putting a hand on my cheek.

"No, Niall... I don't wanna leave you. Well obviously you're not getting better with us." He says reasonably.

"I'm not going." I say. He sighs and pulls me to sit in his lap facing him.

"Diana, you're going to Elijah's. I'll try to visit in a month but you'll be there for maybe three months."






"Yes." He smiles slightly at my little argument. I lean forward and softly kiss his lips.

"Shit, Diana..." He whispers.

"I know. But I'm not sorry." I get off of him and walk to my suitcase and fold all of my clothes. Niall sits next to me, watching. fuck, I've fallen for a man 5 years older than me, and it's illegal. He stares at me as I look over everything. I turn my head to look at him. He smiles sadly.

"Now I don't wanna send you away." He whispers, hugging me. I sigh and pull away to zip up my suitcase. I get up and make sure my phone and dry thing else are in my backpack.

When do I leave?"

"A little more than three hours from now. We should go to the airport now." Niall bit his lip. I felt my heart drop, I wouldn't see Niall for another three months after this."

"Niall?" I ask.


"Am I really only going to be there for three months?" His eyes tear up.

"No, you're going to be there for much longer. But three months is when I'm taking you for two weeks." He gently sobs. The sight breaks my heart, plus I was going to live with Elijah for months, maybe years! I walk back to Niall and sit in his lap and gently kiss him. I can taste his salty tears on my lips. He wraps his arms around me.

"Diana, I'm so sorry." He whispers. I'm completely numb.

"II'm sorry I ran into your life." I kiss him hard this time. He returns the passion. I pull away quickly and grab my backpack and suitcase and walk out. The last time I saw him that day, he was puffy eyed and on the floor, in shock.

"Diana... Are we taking you? Where's Niall?" Harry's in the lobby sitting next to the rest of the boys.

"He's too upset." I mumble. The boys take my stuff and Harry lets me jump on his back. I wasn't going to see them for months.


Omg, k, I'm honestly upset with the plot twist xD fuuuuuuu DARK AGES. lol idk. Do u ship it? What's your opinion on her kissing Niall when it's illegal for them to be together? I'm all ears.... er well eyes. Question of the chapter: If you have a crush, is he or she younger or older than you? My crush is a year younger than me :P Yet he's like 3 inches taller than me.



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