Chapter 29

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Ok guys this chapter will be quite long, but I strongly encourage you to read all of it.

Hermione's POV:

*three days later*

Draco and I decided that he and I would tell McGonagall about everything that had happened today.

We had just arrived at McGonagall's office.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in." She said.

I took a deep breath.

Draco gave me a peck on the cheek.

I gathered up the courage to open the door.

"What do you need today?" McGonagall asked.

"Well, Professor, Draco and I have some things to tel you." I said.

"Well, in that case, have a seat." She said, gesturing to two armchairs.

Draco and I sat down.

"Well, who will begin?" McGonagall asked.

"I guess I will." Draco said.

McGonagall nodded.

"Go ahead." She said.

Draco launched into the hell the last few months has been.

"Well, as you can probably tell, Hermione and I are together now." Draco started.

McGonagall nodded.

"One night, in our common room, I was awoken by Ronald Weasley. He said that he wanted to talk to me. He took me out to the living room area. That's when things began to get bad. He lifted me up by the neck and very near killed me, as Ms. Granger told me. Well, soon, I lost consciousness." Draco said.

I took over.

"I left Draco in the common room and went to confront Ron. Ron said that he had been playing chess with Harry the whole time. Harry agreed. While I thought that Ron might be lying, I knew that Harry wouldn't lie to me. I got them to come and help me carry Draco to the hospital. He was out for several days. When he woke up, I was so happy. I kissed him, then and there. The problem was, Ron had seen it. That night, Ron had taken me into a back hallway and assaulted me. He cut open the side of my throat." I said, showing her the bold scar on my neck. "He also slapped me, kicked my stomach, and told me to stay away from Draco. Draco here had watched the whole thing and came to save me." I let Draco take over.

"I carried Hermione up to the Gryffindor common room and she got me in. She showed me the way up to Ron's room and I barged in. He claimed to not know anything about it, but I could tell that he was lying this time. There was a devilish look in his eyes. I shows him what he said he hadn't done. When I wasn't looking, Ron pushed Hermione off the bed. This soon led to her losing consciousness. Potter and I made an agreement to help Hermione, no matter what." Draco said.

Once again, I took over.

"Draco took me to the hospital. That night, Ron came for me again. He tied my arms and legs and carried me to a room. He wanted answers for a spell that he had found that he thought Draco had put on me. I didn't know what he meant, so he pulled me up by my hair. He threw me to the ground and asked me again. I still didn't know, so he put one foot on my stomach and pushed. I very nearly actually passed out, but I just pretended to pass out so that he would go. Then I got back with Ron to try to get answers about the spell. He wanted me to give him my virginity, so I got back with Draco. The next event was by far the worst. I was going to ask Ginny if she wanted to help with the Halloween Bash that we told you about. I was just about to exit the common room when I was hit on the back of the head and got knocked out. When I came to, I was with Ron. He then preceded to rape me." I stopped.

I had to finish.

"Then, a couple of days ago, I went to go get an abortion because I didn't want to have to carry Ron's baby. Now, we are at the present time." I said.

I looked at McGonagall. She had tears in her eyes.

"You two, I am so sorry. But I'm especially sorry for you, Hermione. Ron has been horrible to you." She said.

"Professor, this might seem rude to ask, but could you please expell Ron?" I asked.

"Of course, Ms. Granger. However, I will wait until after Halloween, as the semester is over then. I'm sure that you can stay as for the next couple days." McGonagall said.

I smiled.

"I'll try. Thank you, Professor." I said.

"You're welcome, Ms. Granger." She said.

Hallo guys.

Sorry about not updating, but as you know, I was at camp, sao yea.

Anyway, you guys get a giant update, so don't whine!

Anyway, I hope that you read this update or at least liked it.

Lol 840 words.

Lots of love and Potter vibes, Wylah

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