For all the Memories

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§ December 21st, 2026 §

We walked down the frozen pathway in almost a blob formation. Our laughter mingled and danced through the air as we told Christmas jokes and stories from years before. To my right was Kay, looking tiny as ever bundled up in her dough boy jacket and rainbow scarf. Slightly to my left and a bit behind was Dylan and Sophia holding hands and rolling their eyes in unison, yet there eyes were still full of joy and comfort. And lastly, tagging along behind the rest of us, was Hayden. His eyes were glued and glaring at the young couple, and you could almost see the steam coming out of his ears.

"I would prefer if you would stop plotting to kill my son, Hayden," I joked and turned around to face the rest of our group. I glanced over at Sophia, whose already cold face turned another five shades of red, and Dylan, whose eyes bulged and nearly dropped out of his face. Behind me I could hear Kay stifling her laughter in her hand.

Hayden shot me a glare worthy of any teenage girl and huffed in response, his breath turning white and penetrating the cold night. Kay's laughter pierced the air as she gave up on holding back. My smile widened and soon I joined her in cackling, doubling over in fits of laughter.

We only stopped when we reached the porch of Kay and Hayden's house. Every year we would walk through their neighborhood, criticising and admiring people's clever Christmas decorations. Our annual tradition always led to new memories. This time it would certainly make an impression on our hearts now that Dylan and Sophia were together. Things would either lead to our becoming a true family, or make our relationship awkward. Either way, I was glad Dylan had gotten the courage tell Sophia how he felt. Kay and I had been planning their wedding since day one.

"Y'all are welcome to come inside for a while, of course," Kay offered with a warm smile at me and then a pointed look at Dylan, basically begging him and Sophia to be closer.

"Y-yeah. Yeah alright. is that okay mom?" I giggled and nodded my head in response. If I could never have the person I truly wanted, then I would do anything in my power to make sure he never have to go through that. If he liked, or nearly loved, Sophia then I would be there for him in whatever way I could. 

Kay led them into the house, probably heading to the kitchen to make hot chocolate. Before Hayden could follow, I placed my hand on his shoulder to stop him. "I think Dylan really loves her," was all I said, my eyes pleading he wouldn't interfere with their relationship.

He sighed and looked down and straight into my eyes, turning my insides to butter. "I know," he said and then paused.

"I just don't want her to get hurt, I've seen you go through it enough. I can't have that happen to my own daughter." He shot me a look of pity. 

Oh the irony.

"If anything, you should worry about Sophia breaking Dylan's heart, I'm pretty sure he would die without her," I chuckled, but in my mind I knew that I might be right. Hayden's eyes, that had been roaming up and down the street in thought, had sudden snapped back to mine. My breath caught at his intensity, and I felt that he could read my mind and that he knew all of my darkest secrets. His green eyes softened and looked a little guilty. It was then that I wondered if he knew that I loved him, or maybe he thought I had loved him when we were younger.

And right when I began to panic and mentally stab myself for being so stupid as to allow him to recognize my feelings, the guilt in his eyes was gone and he nodded his head in agreement. "I suppose you are right."

"Aren't I always?" I raised my right eyebrow and smirked at him, daring him to think other wise. He stepped through the door way and chuckled his response.

§ May 29th, 2028 §

Dylan paced back and forth across our living room at an agonizing pace. He was dressed in a smart black and green tux to match Sophia's prom dress. He had not yet put his dress shoes on and looked rather silly walking around in his dalek, Dr. Who socks. I chuckled at his nervousness and rolled my eyes.

"You know, I don't know why you are so nervous. You have been dating her for what, almost four years?" I spoke up, trying to distract him from his anxiety. 

Dylan looked over at me and shook his head. "You just don't understand. No matter how long we have been together, I still get these weird butterflies in my stomach and I can't get her out of my mind. I feel like I will never be good enough and that she might be disappointed in me." He let out a frustrated sigh and ran a finger through his dark hair I had just managed to tame.

I looked down at my hands. If only he knew how much I understood how he was feeling, except I would never tell him that.

"Alright, so she's pretty amazing then. But, I also know she is so lucky to have an amazing guy like you. I have never been more proud to call you my son, and if she would ever give up on you, then well that's her loss. You must trust me on this. She loves you more than anything; she has since you were little."

He let out another shaky breath and a light laugh, "You have to say that sort of thing, you're my mom." 

"Yes, I am your mother, but I'd like to claim the title of your best friend, too," I smiled over at him getting up, "if you don't mind." I made my way towards him and brought him into a hug. He now reached another seven inches above my head, which was now producing a few stray gray hairs. I felt him slide his arms around me and place his chin on my shoulder.

"Of course you can, you have always been my best friend," his voice was soft now, no doubt remembering his father and everything we had been through together. "I love you, mom, thanks for everything.

By now, tears were beginning to form in my eyes. How was I so blessed to have someone like him in my life? I pulled away smiling and stood on my tip toes to kiss him on the cheek.

"So, um, hate to break the moment but are you gonna be safe tonight?" I asked, remembering my embarrassing doctors appointment a week after my prom.  I glanced a look over at him, trying to evaluate his reaction. His cheeks flamed a bright red and his eyes widened in shock.

"Uh yeah, I mean uh I have uh stuff," he managed to finally cough out. I began to laugh at him, it was the normal thing to do as a mother right? Still, I was thankful enough to not have a grandchild along the way soon. 

Most people would be appalled at their children having sex. I just learned to face basic facts and move on with my life, and as I did that I needed to make sure he was smart. "Well, good, cause I was going to offer to buy you some and sneak them in your pocket after taking photos at the park if you needed, but it seems I won't have to do that."

"Uh mom? Can we stop talking about this and go?" he asked me, turning to face the wall in embarrassment.

"Sure, if you want to go out looking like a nerd." I said, referencing his socks.

I heard him curse slightly under his breath and began walking down the hallway towards his room. "Oh! Don't forget the corsage!" I yelled at him and smiled to myself.


Helloooooo again. See, I was better about the update! Plus the story this time is much happier yay! Y'all should be proud of me. 

So I was gonna do a wedding scene, but I'm not completely sure yet if I want Sophia and Dylan to end up together and also, if I was gonna do the wedding I want to write it later on in the story. On the side i'll post a picture of Kay for you guys to have a bit more of a visual at what I am picturing her to look like. Yes, it is Vanessa Hudgens.

I hope your day has been fantastic. My weekend has been fabulous so far and I need to go finish watching a few episodes of the Vampire Diaries. 


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