R.I.P Snickers

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R.I.P My second favorite dog in the whole world. Snickers. You have been  always energetic and fun and funny XD. I remember when I used to play around the house and I would chase you and Plasma and I would always have trouble trying to get you inside XD We used to play around in the lawn with Kneasha and me and Plasma. And ah. Your bark. Your barking would keep me awake for hours at night. Though I never got mad at you. Alas, those times have come to an end. now you are old and tired. I wish you well in Dog heaven. When you can Bark and run all over the place for ever and ever. Goodbye Snickers. Now excuse me while I go and grief for the rest of the night. 

Btw guys don't bother to comfort me. I'm too filled with grief and sadness over this, pretty much nothing will help me. Just time. Snickers is my neighbors dog, that is old and sick. He is tired all the time and won't come when you call him. His energetic times are over. Sadly. He is to be put to sleep tomorrow. But at least he will be free from this suffering in Dog heaven. As I cry while I write this, I am remembering all of the good times we had together, and Kneasha, my dog. Today when we came to say goodbye to Snickers, Kneasha and Snickers touched muzzles for a few seconds. And Snickers whined. It was so saddening its unbelievable. They had good times together. Ok now goodbye. For a few days. 

R.I.P Snickers. ;'( 

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