Birthday Wip/other random Wip

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As you all know my birthday is coming, really soon

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As you all know my birthday is coming, really soon. So I was bored last night and wanted to draw myself a birthday drawing!! It's Thunder, and Pixel. Pixel is my brother (Starfaze12  's main OC. And we are twin brothers, meaning that we have the same birthday. So ya! References used- my profile pic, and my brothers profile pic.

 So ya! References used- my profile pic, and my brothers profile pic

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A Rainwing WIP!!!! yayyy. Idk what to name it, but I think it might be a new OC? Maybe not, but here is my first actual looking Rainwing!!! Not references used.

 Idk what to name it, but I think it might be a new OC? Maybe not, but here is my first actual looking Rainwing!!! Not references used

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Here is a bonus drawing. I don't think I'll finish it. But I always wanted to try to draw the mouth of a dragon a little open, like Rhino Bullrachs drawings. (Idk if I spelled that right) and so here I drew this. A dragon crying for some reason idk. No references used.

Right now I am also working on 2 requests from you guys, and hopefully be posting them soon.

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