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Getting a lot of weird looks in the store from strangers was honestly stressful, but I didn't let it bother me too much, because holding Harry's hand made me feel good, despite what I initially thought it would be like.

I held onto Harry's hand tightly as he pushed the cart down the aisle with his free hand, in search for food. His eyes quickly followed the line of freezers stacked with plenty of tubs of ice cream, as he walked straight past all of it, fast-paced. I tried to keep up with him while eyeing down every last tub of sugary desires. My feet were starting to slow down as I was in awe, and I was nearly being dragged by Harry.

"What do you want to eat, love?" He asked me as he glanced my way, trying to avoid the fact that we were in the ice cream aisle, but ice cream was all that was on my mind in that moment.

"Ice cream." I said all too quickly, as I had been craving ice cream for a terribly long time, and seeing it made my stomach rumble.

My mother kept me on a strict "no junk food" diet, so I was rarely allowed to eat ice cream when she was around.

"No ice cream. Your mum said no about that." Harry reminded me, but if I begged enough maybe he would give in. Besides, we were in the ice cream aisle already.

"Please? I really want ice cream." I pulled on his arm, pouting.

"No, Rose. What fruit do you like? We can't get ice cream."

"Please, Harry? We don't have to tell her."

"I'm not going behind her back. What fruit do you like?" Harry looked at me strictly, and I frowned. I really thought he would at least get ice cream this one time.

"Strawberries." I said, a saddened tone evident in my voice.

"And?" Harry asked.

"Ice cream." I said, jokingly.

"No." He denied, grasping my hand tighter in attempt to get me to stop before he had to make a scene at the store. He looked me in the eyes bluntly, and I knew by then to be quiet about ice cream.

"Fine. Pineapples and bananas, along with strawberries." I sighed, and we continued walking towards the fruit section.

"Good girl." Harry said beneath his breath, and he turned his head to face the front and watch where he was going.

I awkwardly walked along with him, with a firm grasp on his large hand.


Rose ended up seeing one of her friends in the store, and I had to let go of her hand so she could have small talk with the other young girl.

Rose was so much more of a beauty compared to her friend. Her friend was plain and evidently careless of her appearance, and Rose looked like she made an effort to present herself, even when she had previously been crying.

I felt upset to have had to let go of her small, soft hand, but I didn't let it show in my facial expressions. I continued to look blunt and strict so Rose knew who's rules she had to follow, and so she knew my watch over her wasn't just some joke.

I watched Rose's every movement as she talked with her friend, and I couldn't seem to stop myself from staring at her petite little body. I wanted to dominate her more and more each day, but I knew I had to control myself. I had to slowly lure myself in, because I knew that if I did too much all at once, she would surely tell her mother and I would no longer be able to see her.

Rose was a beautiful young girl and I was more than happy her mother was able to trust someone like me to watch over her for such a long period of time. I knew I would dread the day I'd have to say goodbye to Rose.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Rose's friend asked, and I snapped out of my train of thought, knowing the young girl was speaking of my presence.

"No." Rose quickly replied.

"Father?" The girl asked, her eyes widened.

Rose shook her head.

"No, I'm watching her while her mother is away." I told the girl, speaking up for Rose.

"Yeah. Leigha, this is Harry. Harry, this is Leigha." I stuck out my hand as Rose introduced us to each other, and Leigha hesitantly shook it. Though her arm was moving, the rest of her was frozen in space.

"Nice to meet you, Leigha." I said to her, attempting to be genuine and kind.

"I love your accent." Leigha finally said. "Where are you from?"

"England." I said bluntly. I meant to sound a bit more enthusiastic, but it just wasn't like me to be enthusiastic.

"Oh, that's so cool." She said, and I could sense how fake she was being by the tone of her voice. "Well, I should get going. Bye, Rosie." She quickly waved, then walked off without saying another word to me. Maybe I scared her off. I'd hope so. She gave me bad vibes.

I stuck out my hand for Rose to grab, but she refused to take my hand into her own. "Rose, you promised." I reminded her, but something seemed to be wrong. She couldn't really look at me either.

"Rose." I said, placing two fingers underneath her chin, forcing her to look at me. "What's wrong?"

"Harry, everyone keeps looking at me funny and my friends are going to think I'm weird for holding an older guy's hand." She admitted, and I could hear the worry in her quiet little voice. I just wanted to comfort her and calm her down with a kiss, but it would most likely scare her off. I'm just her babysitter after all.

"You're being paranoid. Give me your hand. No one's looking at you funny and the next friend who sees you, we can tell them I'm your boyfriend and I just look old or something." I persuaded her, but she hesitated giving in so easily. I gave her a moment to think, but she still refused to hold my hand.

"Rose. I could punish you if that's what you prefer over simply holding my hand." I warned her.

I didn't mean for it to be s.exual, but in my mind I knew how much I wanted to finger and pleasure her after s.panking her until she's disciplined. I wanted to see her cute little cheeks turn red with hand prints. I wanted her to wince whenever she sat down due to stinging from the collision of my large hands with her cute little bum. I wanted to s.pank her, then allow my fingers to feel how wet she gets afterwards, and I wanted her to enjoy it.

When Rose continued to keep her hand away from mine, I forcefully grabbed hers, and when she attempted to pull it away, I refused to let it go. I gripped her hand tightly, interlocking my fingers with hers so she couldn't break loose.

"Harry, please." She whined, a whisper into my ear so no one else could hear her complain.

"If we hurry up, then you won't have to worry. Stop complaining before I actually punish you." I whispered back to her. "I'm just trying to keep you safe, princess."

I wouldn't have updated this soon, but there has been popular demand for me to update so here you all go I guess.
I'm in love with how cute they are ♡
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