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I was more than happy that Rosie was able to bond with Luna while I took some time to catch up with Louis. We had some decent conversations that I was grateful to get the chance to have.

"You've scored yourself a lovely little girl, yeah?" Louis had mentioned, forcing this grin to form on my face that I couldn't erase. Rosie really was an angel.

"Mhm." I agreed. I looked over at him just to see this playful smirk on his face and I knew just what he was thinking before he even brought it up.

"Have you f.ucked her yet?" He asked me, his voice lowered to a hush so the two girls wouldn't hear from the other room, wherever they were.

"Not quite. We just got into that point of the relationship, yesterday actually, and I don't want to move too quick with this one. She's a keeper, mate." I replied, lowering my voice to a similar volume as Louis for the same purpose.

"What did you do, huh? You know I'm curious about this stuff." He said, followed by a low chuckle. That's the Louis I'd remembered.

"Fingered her." I simply stated, having raised an eyebrow to follow.

Louis pitched his hand up for a high five as if I hit the lotto, although it wasn't any big news. I delivered the high five anyways, proud of myself for even having managed to get such a shy girl to allow me past her pants.

"How about you? How's your damned s.ex life?" I shot back after a short silence. He smirked while acting like he was in thought for a short moment, although there was no thought process to his answer.

"We f.uck everyday if I'm lucky and it's f.ucking great." He said. "But obviously we've been together much longer. Going on four years, s.hit mate, we both would've never guessed." 

"You of all people. The cheeky football player who also so happens to play girls' hearts. Lou, I'm proud. Truly."

"Same to you, Harry. I would've never imagined you settling in a relationship but I can tell you're truly in love with Rosie."

Just at that moment, Luna had walked into the room and I stood back with my eyes glued to the couple as if I were watching some fascinating movie. I didn't mean to be a creep in any sort. I just had nothing else to do in that moment.

"Daddy, can we have apple juice?" Luna asked as she walked up to Louis and tugged on the end of his shirt.

After removing her hands, Louis walked to the other side of the kitchen and rummaged through a cupboard. He grabbed two identical sippy cups of different color, then obtained a plastic bottle of apple juice from the fridge and poured it precisely into the two cups. Before handing both of them to Luna, he screwed the lids on tightly to prevent any spills from occurring.

"Thank you, daddy." Luna said before planting a kiss on Louis' lips.

"You're welcome, princess." He had replied, then embraced her small form, which was clad in only a onsie with a diaper peaking out of the sides. God, I'd love to see Rosie like that; in a onsie at least, as I was never really a fan of having a little in diapers.

"I hope Rosie is okay with using a sippy cup. I realize I didn't even confirm that with you." Louis said, just after Luna had left the room.

"She doesn't use them on a regular basis but I want her to get used to using things like that so it's no big deal." I shrugged and Louis nodded in understanding.

"So are you planning on introducing her to everything?" Louis asked me. I shrugged.

"Maybe everything except diapers. I mean, if she wants to be in diapers I'll allow it. I'm just not exactly into it and from what I know, I don't think she'd be comfortable with it either."

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