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Later on in the day, I had been in the living room with Rosie, who was snuggled up in my lap. We had been watching tv for once in a long time, which was a stark contrast to recent activities. It was nice to experience a chill day after everything that went on.

"Why are you all dressed up today, daddy?" Rosie randomly asked me as she tugged on my shirt.

"We have an event to go to tonight. Well, I do. But you're coming with me because I don't want to leave you home alone." I explained to her. Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed a pigmented pink. I thought she would be excited but she seemed to be the complete opposite. She was shocked, but not in the good way.

"What for?" She straightened up on my lap and glared at me like a deer in headlights.

"It's just a little party for a job I have." I simply stated. I rubbed up and down her sides in attempt to relax her but she remained in the same state of shock that she had been in. I wondered what was going on in her head.

"W-what do you do?" She asked me, her voice hushed then.

"I'm a photographer for magazines." I told her, which caused her jaw to drop.

"For magazines? Like Vogue?"

"I've only ever had one of my shots in Vogue but no, I usually shoot for smaller titles. I mean, I also photograph for some stores too, like Victoria Secret. You know, when you see photographs of girls to give you an idea of how the clothing looks?"

"Why haven't you told me? That's amazing!" Rose had the cutest smile on her face and I wished I could photograph it for some popular magazine.

I wished I could take photos of her in lingerie too. People everywhere would love her. She'd become a big hit. But her mother would hate me and most likely hate Rose for it too and I wouldn't be able to live knowing I caused Rosie's mother to forever be angry with her. I guess it wouldn't exactly be hatred but she'd constantly be quite angered that her little girl didn't turn out to be so little. Ironic, right?

"I didn't think it was a big deal." I said to her.

"Daddy!" She whined. "You shot for Vogue. That's amazing."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, there will be a lot of models at this party as well as professional photographers. I just don't want you to get too nervous, alright?"

"Models? They're going to hate me, daddy." Rose frowned. All I wanted to do was kiss the frown off of her face.

"How so?"

"They are super pretty and I'm average."

I sighed. "You are beautiful, princess. No model can compare to you."

Rose grinned, though I could tell that she still had quite a lot of anxiety about the party.

"Come on, I'll help you pick something nice to wear." I said before allowing her to get up from my lap. I stood up as well and led the way to her bedroom. She had followed close behind me with an excitement for me to help her pick an outfit, but a continuous nervousness knowing that she was going to such an important party.


I watched as Harry rummaged through my closet, eyeing each and every one of my dresses as he tried to decide which one to pick. Eventually, he dug out a burgundy bodycon dress that I had forgotten I owned.

The dress was tight-fitting and ended just about mid-thigh. It was long sleeve with a fairly wide laced up cutout in the front. The cutout was so large that I couldn't even wear a bra underneath. I felt very exposed, but Harry liked it.

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