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Let me tell you a tale...
Of a man I knew...
He was a god among men.   In all my years on Nalamar, I never met another man that measured up to him.
He was as kind as the sun in spring.
His strength rivaled that of a Titan.
He had a heart braver than any loyal soldier and bigger than any dragon.  He loved the world and would die to save it...
And his name...
Was Palomier.

Palomier was unlike any man that I'd say anyone has ever met.
He was tall for a human, and looked like a castle's watchtower among elves and especially dwarves when in their company.  He was broad in the shoulders and a physique that could make make any man tremble, yet he had a presence of an innocent child in a way. 
Palomier was peculiar in many ways.
He never understood the evils and vices of men.  Though he grew up to live before human men would have laws, he never partook in the spoils of the world he traveled. 
He never gambled, never drank and while he was a handsome man, he never laid with a woman till he found love.  His nature was pure, born only to understand goodwill.
It was because of his unusual nature as a man that when he came into his adult life, he found himself alone in the world.  He knew no home in Nalamar, so he embarked on a journey to find one.  He wasn't too sure what he would find or who he may meet, but he felt it in his heart to travel and see the world for what it was and he thought perhaps if he didn't find a place he should call home, then at least he could do his best to better those who had one.

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