Legend II

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Finally after days of travel Palomier found himself walking across the steep sloping hills that led into the vast mountain range.  His attention was then made by the sight of a small shack nestled deep in the hills.  A fine stream of smoke from its chimney was what first caught his eye as to notice the shack.  It appeared to be shoddily built from poorly cut pieces of cedar and some corners of the structure were even fastened together with frayed rope and twine.  Palomier's stomach growled and bubbled as he grew closer towards the shanty shack and he remembered it had been several hours since he had eaten the last bit of food he had saved from his last hunt.  Not seeing or knowing of much wildlife in the area or vegetation for that matter, he thought perhaps he could make trade or use some of the gold he had to purchase some food from the hopefully hospitable mountain folk that lived in this shack.
He made his way downhill and approached the shack then realizing as he made his way to its door that he was in fact taller than the entire building!  The door looked as though it was made for a child to enter as it was quite cute in size much like the rest of the shack's accessories including it's small curtain covered windows and it's slim chimney.
Palomier gave the door a single knock and with great surprise to him, came dramatically exploding through the doorway off its hinges with an unexpected "BOOOOM!" As it fell to the floor. 
"WHAT IN OMEGA'S NAME DID YOU JUST DO TO MY DOOR YOU ROTTEN GIANT!"  Yelled a high pitch voice from within the shack.
Palomier looked around confused as to where the voice was coming from as he looked around not being able to put a face to the voice.  When all at once, the mighty man Palomier was brought to a knee after being kicked in the shin.  "DOWN HERE YOU HOME WRECKING HUMAN!"
He looked out to then see in front of him to angrily starring at him was a halfling standing at about three foot tall in height.  While Palomier had heard of these creatures, he had never met one himself.  It reminded him of a wood elf in many ways with it's petite frame and smooth olive complexion.  But while it had pointed ears, they appeared to be much smaller than the tall and sharp edged knifelike ears of an elf. 
"Who on Nalamar do you think you are tearing down my door and coming into my house like this!?"  Questioned the halfling. 
"Well," started Palomier attempting to  back stand up as his head bumped the top of the doorway causing the entire halfling abode to shake as streams of dust rained down over his head.  "OW! Well, my name is Palomier.  I'm not anyone of too much importance but I was hoping to..."  "To what!?" Interrupted the halfling.  "Destroy my house?  Rob my of my things!?  Leave me out here in the wilds of the mountains to be made into a dragon's snack!?"
"No no no..." Palomier assured.
"I'm just looking for someone who might trade with me for some food and perhaps some helpful information about... Wait... DRAGONS!?  What dragons?!"  "What do you mean, what dragons!?" Replied the halfling.
"You're in dragon country now.  Well, yes and no.  Years ago they could be seen every where through these parts, but they don't come out much. Or at least I haven't seen many in ages it seems.  But the mountain trolls and hill giants would surely munch upon my flesh and use my bones for toothpicks!"
"So..." Started Palomier.  "If there are all these massive bloodthirsty creatures roaming about this land,
Why haven't they just come along, stepped on your house and just eaten you already?  Obviously, you've been here for some time."
"Well, you bafoon... That's because no one can see my house because it's under a magical and very powerful illusionary spell that can't be broken without.... Wait a moment...
HOW IN OMEGA DID YOU FIND MY HOUSE!  You're a demon aren't you!? No!  You're an evil Mage, come here to steal all my artifacts and magical treasures and... Well, I'll curse you out of my house and into OBLIVION!!!"
The halfling ran over to a bookshelf and hurriedly scrambled to turn the pages of a book he pulled from it.
Palomier being so puzzled by this odd halflings paranoia was left stunned.  The halfling finding the page he was looking for, paused for a moment to read something from it and shouted at Palomier as he pointed his finger,
It is at that moment that a bright orange bolt of light shot from the halflings fingertip, snakes round the room and finds its end upon Palomier's satchel and thus forth, pulling the wooden box he had been holding onto out and then it drawn into the hands of the halfling.
"AHA!  Now I have the source of your pow... Ohhh WHOOOOAAAAAAAAGGGHH!!!
The halfling is then pulled directly downward to the floor having not expected such an immense weight.
"What kind of sorcery is this!?" 
Shaking off the initial shock of seeing such magic being cast, Palomier says to the halfling,
"Be careful!  Here, let me help you."
He tries to help the halfling onto his feet, but the halfling is reluctant to accept his help as he bats his hands away and shouts,
"DONT TOUCH ME YOU FOUL, wait a minute... you're not a demon at all are you?!  Matter of fact, you're not anything demonic or evil..."
"Well, no.  Of course not."  Answered Palomier.  
"No, but I'll have you know if you were I would've brought you to ashes!  Or at the very least brought you powerless with that spell I casted." 
"What was that?"  Asked Palomier.
"It was a spell to draw out the source of magical power that enables you to... Well, never mind that it's very complicated.  However, it appears this box was what was so magical that enabled you to see my house.
It takes an incredible force of magic to cancel out the effects of my illusionary spell.  Although... This box isn't what has me puzzled... It's the fact that you weren't singed in the least by that spell."
"Was I suppose to burst into flames?"
Asked Palomier.
"Well, if you were a demon," the halfling explains.  "Or at least harmed you had you ant darkness within you in someway.  All mortal creatures are created by both Alpha, the God of the Devine good and light and Omega God of death and darkness as to give balance to the world and those who live in it..." 
"Yes, I'm familiar with the deities."
Commented Palomier.
The halfling continued,
"Yes yes, well... Only those who have been touched by Alpha or her angles are blessed or given life without darkness within them.  Tell me, have you the symbol of Divinity?"
"Divinity?" Palomier questioned, not understanding exactly what the halfling meant. 
"Yes, have you been touched by the Devine Hand?  Do you wear it's mark?"
The halfling began excitedly examining Palomier, even going so far as to grab his arms to look under his sleeves and even try to crop through his thick golden hair. 
"What are you doing!?" Palomier shouted, as he shook the tiny man off of him.
"I don't wear jewelry of any kind and the only MARK that I have that I know of...is the birth mark I have on my shoulder."
The halfling quickly rushed back over to his bookshelf and reached for an old tome wedged between his archive of literature. 
He brought the book out and walked over to rest the large and heavy book on a table, then blew the thick coat of dust off it.  He then began flipping through the pages trying to reference what it was whatever it was that he was so intent to find. 
"What are you looking for?"
The halfling ignored Palomier for a moment and just mumbled to himself trying to find the correct page he was looking for. 
"Show me your shoulder."
The halfling requested. 
Palomier took off his cloak and proceeded to peel back his shirt as to reveal his birthmark. 
"Oh..my.....dear....GODS!!!  Praise be to creators!!!  The prophecies are true!  Look!"  The halfling shouted jumping up and down in rejoice.  He then motioned for Palomier to come look at the book as he pointed at an illustration on the page he had turned to. 
"Read the scripture that explains it!  Go on, LOOK!!!"
Palomier looked at the book and was taken back in awe.  There in this book, was an illustration of almost his exact marking.  The drawing rendered  a closed fist clenching a lightning bolt
With a large "A" embellished on its wrist.  Palomier slowly drew his arm back as to pull it from his sleeve and moved the collar of his shirt down as to reveal his birthmark on his shoulder.        


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"You're.... You're...." Stuttered the halfling gazing wide-eyed at Palomier's marking. 
"THE LIGHT BRINGER!!  Well, at least one of as the legend tells it.  But it's practically a perfect match!"
"Light Bringer?"  Questioned Palomier. 
"Yes!  Of course!"  Responded the halfling excitedly.  "I should have known!  You see, in the legend," he said turning the page to show more text and few small illustrations.
"The legend or well... Prophecy as some would believe, tells of great heroes born of great power having been touched by Alpha's Angels. 
They are said to come through the ages to answer the call of the gods as to bring change to the world in great perils and bring a balance between the light and the dark forces of Nalamar.  I can't make out the text describing the exact symbol you have, but there are several to have been described to symbolize those who have great purpose and do many things in their lifetime.  Some to bring hope to others when all is lost, some to fight great wars and even some put here on Nalamar to destroy mighty kingdoms and bring lords to their knees.  It is said though, that if knowledge of the ones touched by Alpha or Omega should learn of their purpose too early on, it could shift the world into disastrous conciquence!  Oh my... Oh I wonder if could maybe decipher the hidden symbols within this tome and learn of your purpose!  Oh goody!  What fun this shall be!!!  How exciting!!"
"Now, wait a moment please... Now didn't you just say that if..." Palomier tried to interrupt the halfling after hearing such grave consequences could be at stake if these legends should be true and he shuttered to think what could happen next.
"Now let's see here..." The halfling continued, ignoring Palomier and feverishly turning the pages violently as to get answers to quill his curiosity.  "If we could find the meanings behind this symbol and this ancient drawing here between..."
"ENOUGH!" Shouted Palomier angrily.
"I've had quite enough fairy tales for one day!  And if what you've said COULD be true..." Palomier then snatched the ancient book away from the halfling, shut it and flung it across the room, causing it knock over a stack of books and scrolls of parchment that came all scattering throughout the small shack. 
"I will not have bad luck wishes upon a world that didn't wish it so and I will not be responsible for anything that should happen just because of your selfish interests."  Palomier halfhazardly put his clothing back together, scooped up his odd wooden box and stormed out of the shack not wanting to stay for any further part of this halflings hasty religious study. 
"Wait!" Cried the halfling rushing after Palomier who tried his best to ignore him walking out of the shack and continuing on his way. 
Palomier picked up his pace as to not be bothered any longer by the hermit halfling's words.  Yet even still, it was those words of prophecy that haunted his mind that night as he tries to sleep in the lonely eastern hills and they would continue to still, for many, many nights to come.

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