// Joey wouldn't talk to me. When I tried to call him he ignored it. I told him I was sorry. I didnt know he liked me...\\
[Lauren's Pov]
I was standing at the door when I heard...
Shane: Wanna sleep with me?
I was at the point of bursting! I was dancing and shouting. Then a huge fat Mexican {im trying to not be racist... oops} maid worker lady came up and did the loudest SHHHHHH ever. Then she said:
Mexican maid: Shush little lady... No No! No screaming in my hotel... shushhhhhhhhh
I awkwardly walked back to my room... having the biggest smile ever...
[Shane's Pov]
I leaned close to Joey... and pulled him in for a hug. I was thankful that he doesn't hate my guts. And that he will be my best man.
Joey: really weird question, But can you kiss me before Lisa has you completely?
Joey blushed. I knew he was being honest. I leaned in. When our lips collided I didn't want to stop. And we didn't stop. We walked to the bedroom. Not breaking the kiss we where sharing. Joey was smiling into the kiss too. I grabbed his waist as he wrapped his arms around my neck {in a non-chocking way} and soon our bodies where rubbing together. I could feel a poke and there was Joeys erection. I pulled away. Then I said:
Shane: Joey... This is a weird question... But can I lose my virginity to you? I don't think Lisa has the right to take it first...
Like I promised a new chapter. Short and sweet xD sorry! It was to make up for the last note btw... Ill try to update tomorrow ;)
Twitter: @jesswuvsyoutube
Also follow @shoey_kindom WE ARE ONLY 3 AWAY FROM 100!!!!!!!! =D

What are we? (shoey)
FanfictionThis is a shoey story. If you don't know what shoey is… LEAVE WHILE YOU CAN! I'm playing, I don't know how to explain this book because I wrote what I'm thinking. Yep 100% what I'm thinking. Huh weird. Anyways, just read this damn book if your readi...