Mr. Lindens Library

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Abby stared up at the enormous building in front of her. It was a strange brick building with mossy vines crawling up the sides. The brick was somewhat faded in places. Double doors with old fashioned brass knobs, huge glass windows, and chestnut colored wood stood at the base of it. A wide stone staircase, well more like half a staircase, led up to the doors. On either side of the half-staircase stood a giant stone lion. The lions were so detailed that they looked as if they were going to come to life and pounce on her. The building was unique, and the tallest, oldest building in the city. It was Mr. Lindens Library, and it was Abby's favorite place to go.

She strolled into the library with a smile plastered on her pale face.

"Hello Mr. Linden!" she greeted the librarian, a short, old man behind the front desk.

"Well Hi there Abby! How are you today?" He replied kindly as she stopped at the desk to chat with him.

"I'm doing just fine thank you. How are you?"

"Oh I'm not too bad, though my wife came down with a cold this morning. Poor dear. I wish I could help but you know how getting a cold is. You just have to wait it out." Mr. Linden explained. Abby furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.

"Yeah I know how that is. It really stinks being sick. Well I'm off to find a book or two, tell your wife I hope she feels better!" She called over her shoulder as she walked away down an aisle. He nodded his thanks just before she disappeared. Abby walked up and down numerous aisles. She basically knew the library like the back of her hand, but the place was a maze, so she discovered little things here and there every time she went. Which is almost every day. She strolled along, looking up and down for a book she hadn't read before. Suddenly something caught her attention. She saw a glimpse of silver and a bit of gold out of the corner of her eye. She stopped, backed up and walked over to where the strange looking book was. 'Hmm what's this? I've never seen this book before.' She thought. Reaching up she pulled the huge book off the shelf. It was quite large for a book, in fact it was one of the biggest books in the library. The spine was wide with bits of silver and gold on it, and on the front it read, Book of a Thousand Tales. She flipped through it a few times, examining it more carefully. 'Hmm this is quite interesting. I've never seen a book like this before. This is the one.' She thought as she closed the book and made her way down to Mr. Linden's desk. As she approached his desk he greeted her once more.

"Why hello Abby, did you find one?" He asked her for he knew that she always got a different book each time she came.

"Yes I did. I want this one" Abby said back. He looked at the book, then at her, then back at the book and his eyes grew wide.

"Oh sweetie you don't want this one. Its not very interesting at all." He said with a worried look on his face. She looked at him with suspicion and clutched the book close to her chest as he tried to take it away.

"On the contrary, Mr. Linden, this book looks very interesting. I'm getting it and you can't stop me." She stood her ground, but wasn't meaning to be rude. Mr. Linden sighed, checked out the book to her, and watched her leave with a sorrowful look on his face, for he really did like her.

Once Abby got home she immediately opened the book and started to read, though she didn't get far because it didn't make sense! Every page was a page from a different story. All different stories stuffed into one book. She finally decided to close the book and do something else. She left her room abruptly, leaving the book laying on her bed. But what she didn't see was the creepy crawling vines weaving out of it. She skipped every other step going down the stairs. In the kitchen her mother, Kate, was preparing dinner.

"Oh! I thought you'd be upstairs reading that new book you got," Kate said to her daughter, "you usually stay up there for hours on end reading new books you get from Mr. Lindens Library." Abby groaned and dramatically rolled her eyes.

"Yeah mom I know. Its just this new one I got doesn't make any sense! I eventually got so overwhelmed, I had to stop."

"Hm that is interesting. Well maybe you just need a break from reading. Do something else and then you can go back to the book later." Abby nodded and went to watch tv.

Meanwhile, in her room, the vines kept coming and coming out of the book. They eventually filled her room, wrapping and twisting around everything. Back at the Library, Mr. Linden is about to close up for the night.

Linnddeennnn....can you hear me Linden?

He shook his head to get rid of the voice. He wasn't going to do this. Not to poor Abby.

Oh, Linden, you don't have a chooiiicccce. Remember whoever choosseesss the book, haasss to pay the pricceee. You control my vineeessss, you neeeedd to do it.

No. NO! He liked Abby. He didn't want to do it.

You have to. You have no choiiicceee. DO IT LINDEN!

At once his head snapped up, and almost robot like he hobbled into the back room, sat down at a small desk, and began to write. He wrote, and wrote, and wrote. Once he was finished, he leaned back and one small tear fell down his face.

"Alright, I'm going to go on up and try to read more of that book." Abby said to her mother, after eating dinner.

"Ok, just make sure to go to bed at a reasonable hour. You'll want to get enough sleep tonight since you start school tomorrow." Kate replied "Goodnight sweetie"

"Night mom" Abby yawned and stumbled upstairs to her room. She opened the door and gasped. The vines had covered her room! She was just about to call to her mom when a few vines wrapped around her mouth so that she couldn't speak. Another few lifted her off the ground in a tight hold, while still another few closed the door. She struggled to get free while also frantically searching her room to see where the vines originated from. At once her eyes landed on the book, wide open in the center of her bed, the vines weaving uncontrollably out of it. Tighter and tighter the vines squeezed her. One found its way around her neck. She couldn't breathe! Tighter and tighter. Finally there was a loud SNAP and Abby went limp. The vine around her neck had broken it. Then, as swiftly as they flooded out of the book, the vines went back in taking Abby with them, the book slammed shut, then disappeared. Abby was just one more page of the Book of a Thousand Tales...

...and I can guaarrrantteeee you, there willlll be more.

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