Last day of love (narry fluff)

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I love him more than anything, than anyone. He's my best friend and I need him in my friend.
Me and Niall Horan have been best friends since we were only five years old. He was my neighbour and we just got along and here we are at 13 still going strong. Except something different this time, I love him....way more than a friend. I wanna be with him and hold him and kiss him and love him. But he'll never in a million years love me like that, he would have told me if he likes guys anyways.
First year of high school was coming up and I still haven't told him about my feelings. But I will, today. On the last day of summer.
N: "ello?"
H: "h-hey Niall, can you come over? I need to talk to you.."
"Yeh sure, I'll be there in a minute"
With that the line was dead. Now I'm scared. I don't even have time to panic because in a matter of seconds here's here. Perks of living next door to your best friend.
He walked in and I said nothing, just stared at him with wide eyes. Now I've done it, he's probably scared to death right now.
N: "Harry, what's wrong? Your scarring me. What's happened?"
H: "I haven't been completely honest with you. I like....someone."
N: "oh. Who. Who is it?"
Niall looked at me with sad eyes. Like I just broke his heart. Here is goes.
"It's Niall"
I look at the ground for the longest time when I decided to look up. Before I could say anything to him, his lips attached to mine.
"I love you too Niall"

me and Niall have been together for for couple months and it has been more then perfect. It's almost Christmas vacation and I have so much planned for us. Niall and me walked over to his house. He hasn't talked me the whole way through, not even held my hand. Something is up.
H: "Niall? What's wrong?"
N: "ermmm nothing....well something actually."
H: "what-
N: "I'm moving. Back to Ireland. Today."
Tears started to scream down my face as I saw Nialls face become more sad. More devastated of what he'd said. He kissed me softly and whispered.
N: "I will always love you. And I promise we will come back together soon"
And with that he was gone. Into the moving van and drove away. Without another he was gone forever. My best friend and boyfriend, gone.

It had been three years since Niall had left. Not a text or phone call since he left that day. Nothing. I can still feel the emptiness of his lips that were on mine. Everyday I feel more sad and pity myself for still having feelings for the boy who forgot me.
I went and sat in my seat and waited for bell to ring for the first day of grade 12. Everyone scattered to their seats except a blonde guy who was talking to the teacher. Must be some new kid. The blonde took his seat behind me, as curious to know who he is, I couldn't be bothered to look who it was. The blonde passed me again, and his face was familiar so I followed. He was next to my locker as I approached him.
He turned around and I dropped everything in shock.
H: "N-I-all... NIALL Niall!!!!"
I wrapped my arms around my best friends and never let go.
N: "Harry?!?!?! Harry holy shit your here I can't believe it. I missed you so much"
I was so happy until a though occurred to me.
N: "what's wrong?"
H: "you never called me...or texted! Or anything"
I started to cry at him forgetting me.
N: "Harry Im so sorry. I didn't think id come back. I didn't want to ruin you again. But I'm still in love with you. I haven't forgotten my promise. I said Id come back, please forgive me? Please take me back?"
Without another I word I kiss him with all my power, I kissed those lips I craved for, for 3 years.
"Always. I finally have my Niall back"

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