Tears for the broken hearted (sad narry )

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Everyday he walked in class alone and left alone. Nobody would talk to him because why would they talk to the kid who shuts everyone out? Not me though, I'm not like the others. I'm drawn to him, he never talks to people ever. If you say something to him he'll just nod and if your lucky he'll look at you.
Everyone has heard the rumours on why he's like this, I've never listen to any of them because I'm the only one who will listen to him if he talks, I'm the only one who will believe it from him.

I've managed to fall in love with the boy with no words. His eyes that used to sparkle emerald green, now a dull lifeless green. His curls are the same, still full of life, the only think that has life in him. His skin is always pale and dry looking but still soft if he brushed against you. Me and Harry Styles used to be neighbours when we were 10, we became best friends until he moved houses and schools until high school, after that I couldn't see the same Harry every again. It's like all the life was sucked out of him, and it was.

What I thought was a normal day in class was the opposite of that. I though I'd just stare at Harry the whole time, just try to put the pieces together.
Everyone got to get out early, I had to ask the teacher a question, when she left I wasn't alone, Harry was there in the same position he always was but he let a tear drop, slowly running down his face. I didn't want to be the one who left him, instead I sat next to him.
"I know nobody talks to you, I know your broken inside. But holding things in isn't good. It makes things worse. Whenever you feel alone, I want to be the one who helps you and holds you through everything. I'm taking the time to be here for you." I let a tear escape my eye. Expecting him to say nothing, he turned to me and hugged me. Letting his tears out on my shoulder, as weird as is sounds It felt good to have his tears on me.
"N-n-nobody has e-ever done this b-b-before. I-I"
He stopped taking, and looked down. I didn't want to leave him. Ever. He needed someone and I was that someone.
"Listen Harry, you don't have to talk to after this but even if you want me 24/7 I'm always here for you, no matter what."

After that day Harry has been beside me everyday, slowly talking more and more, even smiling more. Which made me love him even more. I could see his eyes turning emerald. But I know he's still upset and depressed with everything. He's told me he isn't ready to tell me what's wrong and I fully understand him. He's a lot more talkative then he was a month ago but I just wanted to know what made him disconnect from the world.

Harry came over today, as per usual, and sat down but didn't say anything. He just looked like he did before I talked to him that day. Before I could ask what's wrong, he turned to me.
"I'm ready, to tell you" I looked at him confused for a second but caught up when I looked into his eyes. He had to let this out.
"When I was 12 my mom and dad were driving my sister to her ballet recital. Gemma was 15 and was amazing at ballet. I didn't wanna go, not because it was boring but because I knew I would make her more nervous. Before she left, she gave me a big hug and thanked me for staying home. I knew something was wrong when my parents didn't come home after an hour since it was over..I got a call from my mom saying they were in a car crash, she said we were okay except for Gemma. And that she died in the crash. Before my mom could get another would in, I hung up and threw the phone away. We moved away a week later. My parents thought moving would heal things. But all I could think of was not having you around with me. I wanted to talk to you the moment I got back but I just couldn't drag you back in my life again. Because I fell in love with you. When I was gone you were on my mind. All the time. You've helped me heal" Harry broke down crying. I never thought it was that bad. To hear him say it is brave, more than brave. To hear him love me back was the best feeling ever, like Im healed. I couldn't think of what to say back, instead I pulled him in for a sweet, long kiss. Feeling the spark that I've been waiting for, for a long time.
"Harry Styles, I feel honoured to be the one who saved you. In a way, you've healed me too. I love you to much"
"I'm so happy right now, I love you too"

For the first time I knew he meant it, his emerald eyes and soft skin are alive in him once again.

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