Your voice. My weakness

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Don't speak, just listen.
Lets talk about the sky,
and things that glisten.
But please, don't speak.
For your voice is beautiful.
And, it makes me weak.

You blush?
Please don't.
Its too cute.
It makes me lose control of my flute.
What flute you ask?
To explain that would be quite the task.
Wait. Didn't I tell you to shut up?
Shhh. Don't speak.
For your voice makes me weak

So, tell me of the things that you
With your whole heart seek.
But don't speak, for your voice makes me weak.
Write it down,here, on this parchment I've found.
So that to my heart your words may be forever bound.
Hey! I said don't speak.

I'll put duct tape over your beak.
Yes I can!
I am strong and you are weak.
Hey don't speak.
Not especially if you intend to call me a freak.
You know I don't care.

Come. Let me put braids in your hair.
Your blushing again.
Don't you remember what I said back then?
Stop it you say?
Why do I speak this way?
Well this is a monologue after all.
Yes. I know its creepy.

But please. Don't speak.
For your voice.
It makes me weak.

Your Voice. My Weakness


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