From Chaos Born

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Where am I from?
Its a place, you'd never wish to see.
A place that flows not with milk and honey,
But, with the blood of countless corpses, washed up by the sea.

It is a land of darkness and doubt.
A place where monsters are free to roam about.
Where, like butterflies, the young are raped
As soon as they are born.
Where death comes so often.
None can even mourn.

But. Out of the ashes of that ruin I rose.
From the darkness and to the light I walked.
And those who saw me,
Behind my back they did talk.
Monster. Demon.

That is what they called me.
The scars on my face and the red of my eyes were all they could see.
Sticks and stones did they toss at me
And turned away was I.
In the cold streets I sleep.

But. Then came a time, the hell followed me.
In my dreams, the ghosts of the past did haunt me.
And in the cold of storms and winter,
Was my body engulfed by the heat of invisible fire.

Now, back to the question you asked,
Who am I?
I guess I should tell you.
I mean from my own lips my story has spilt.

And a name to the hero must be given. has been so long.
By my own self, my name is forgotten.
I am one of whom you'll never hear songs.
I am one whom many wish would just begone.

But their dark opinions may well be damned.
For as a surviver of the storm I stand.
From chaos born I am.

From Chaos Born



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