Chapter Seven: Stay Safe, Princess

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"-and you've got yourself a fight."

Marinette stiffened at his words, the metal of the lamp post under her back chilling her bones. What was Chat Noir doing here? Did he follow her? Why was he protecting her? Didn't he say that he wasn't the very hero type? Did he recognize her as Ladybug? Sucking in a tight breath, she allowed for the scene to unfold.

"Chat Noir," the grimy thug acknowledged, his teeth bared. "You should leave her to me." Chat grimaced, snarling silently at the akuma, and he gripped his silver baton harder, his fingers clenching painfully. 

"She's an innocent girl, Vetre," Chat Noir explained, surprising the akuma by using his name. Vetre growled, his fingers flexing, his mouth curled into an ugly snarl as he regarded the situation. "And to let me say again, touch her, and I will personally beat you into a pulp," Chat added, venom lacing his tone.

(Pronounced Vettra)

The moon shimmered down on the scene, the freckled stitch of stars glimmering with anticipation as Vetre and Chat stood at a face off, both waiting for the other to make a move. "Stay back, Princess," Chat ordered over his shoulder to the girl, her expression frightened and confused. Chat then faced his enemy again, narrowing his eyes at the akuma.

Wait, Chat thought. Did I just call her Princess? What the hell is wrong with me? I don't- I never... Ah, I'll deal with this later.

"What to you want with her anyway, Vetre?" Chat asked, cutting of his thoughts, sincerely curious to see why Vetre would appear personally before an innocent civilian. Vetre growled again, his hand slowly reaching towards his pocket, fingering a small knife, the blade of silver, the handle of onyx.

Vetre laughed dryly, his head tilting back in malice mirth. "Can you not sense the energy around her?" Vetre asked incredulously, letting out a dry wheeze of air. His chocolate eyes narrowed on Marinette, who was now wide-eyed at his comment. Does he know I'm an angel? she thought absentmindedly. 

Chat Noir tossed his head over to the girl he was protecting, his stance tense, and he really eyed her this time. Yes, she was gorgeous, but she also had a certain... aura. Chat couldn't necessarily see it, but he could definitely sense it. It felt like... white light, and a summer breeze, and rolling hills of lavender. It felt like a sweet spring day, cloaked in warmth. 

Shaking his head, he turned back over to Vetre, who now had the knife out and ready for a serious fight. Growling, Chat regarded Vetre again, giving him a once-over. Vetre wasn't exactly smart or sneaky, but he was unreasonably strong. What the akuma lacked in brain power he made up for with brawn. 

 And Chat decided to pull the trump card.

Smiling slightly, Chat retorted, "Who sent you? Was it Claire? Was it Hawkm-"

Vetre interrupted his queries with a growl, his frame hunched. Chocolate eyes narrowing, he shoved the knife back into his coat pocket, the old cloth ratty, worn, and frankly uncomfortable. "No one sent me," Vetre snarled, slowly backing up, his clunking footsteps echoing into the night. The akuma slowly retreated into the shadows, knowing that he had lost.

See, akumas all have ranks. And if you happen to be an akuma, the only way you are allowed to terrorize civilians is to be sent out or allowed to go up to the mortal world. Vetre never received conformation that he was allowed to go to Earth, however, so technically he was breaking the laws. 

In Hell, breaking the laws meant death.

So Vetre retreated, his mouth pursed into a thin line, his shadow lingering even after his disappearance. Chat narrowed his electric eyes at the shadow, and it vanished a split second later.

Realizing the threat was gone, Chat turned back to the girl, who was stock still, not daring to move. "Are you alright there, Princess?" Chat asked, the nickname tumbling out of his mouth before he had time to register it. He bit his tongue, awaiting for her answer, nervous even though he knew it shouldn't be.

"I'm..." Her voice was as sweet as sugar, the tone soft and melodious and wonderful and- "I think I'm alright." She was still backed up against the lamp post, and Chat Noir grimaced. He didn't understand why she out this late at night. Tucking his baton away, Chat held out a clawed hand, baffled that he was even acting this way. He didn't even know this girl, yet here he is, offering to help her.

Hell, he even defended her!

"Are you sure?" he asked, trying to add a rough tinge to his voice. Ugh, he thought, groaning in his mind. She probably thinks I'm some weirdo in a cat suit. The girl across from him sucked in a tight breath, and she released it quietly.

"Yes, I'm fine," she answered. She accepted his hand and he pulled her onto the sidewalk, and she smoothed down her clothes. "I need to get... home," she said, hesitating on the last word. What home? she thought sadly. It's in the sky, and I don't have a home on Earth. Hell, I don't even know where the Dupain-Cheng bakery is, let alone how I'm supposed to get there.

Chat frowned at her solemn expression, and he bowed his head slightly. "If I may ask, what's your name, miss?" Marinette frowned at his words, and she knew she had to make a decision. If he knew who she was, then he was just tricking her into saying her angel name. But if he didn't know who she was, then she could tell him her angel name and he wouldn't suspect a thing. She could then remain inconspicuous. 

"My name is Marinette," she decided, trying to sound confident. "Marinette L'Ange." (L'Ange in French means angel, by the way). She chose the last name simply because it was a piece of her. A reminder of her goal, and where she came from. 

"Marinette L'Ange," Chat copied, the words rolling off his tongue. He savored the way it felt coming through his lips, and he smiled at her.

What are you doing, Chat Noir!? he screamed at himself inside his mind. You're a sprite! You cause mischief! You don't... You don't admire pretty girls, and you certainly don't protect them from akumas! He groaned at himself, forcing down the smile he had offered Marinette.

Marinette became confused at his actions, but she shrugged it off as Earthen customs or something. She nodded briskly to the sprite, then continued down the sidewalk, determined to find the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Well, the real name of the bakery was Boulangerie Patisserie, but Plagg had thought ahead and just labeled it Dupain-Cheng bakery, so Chat had know clue what bakery Ladybug and Plagg had conversed about. 

"Where are you going?" Chat called after her, his electric green eyes piercing through her. Marinette stopped and turned to him, her cerulean eyes wide. His heart skipped a couple of beats as he stared at her, her face illuminated by the soft moonlight. Gripping her bag tightly, Marinette breathed lightly and smiled down at the cat.

"I'm going home," she answered, realizing what she said was a lie. "I'm just going home." Even though she was a little apprehensive towards the sprite, she recognized his concern for her, and she waved her hand slightly to confirm that she was okay. Chat's gaze softened on her, and despite himself, he spoke to her.

"Well..." he started, his hand faltering. The leather against his skin felt unreasonably tight against his shoulders, and he sighed. Offering one last smile at her (CONTROL YOURSELF CHAT NOIR!  he thought), he waved at her.

"Stay safe, Princess."

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