Chapter Thirteen: Targeted, Perhaps?

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You guys have been a serious inspiration for me. You guys are always saying how much you love the book and the plot, the characters, the twists. All of you guys are so sweet! You just keep showering me in complements on the story, and that makes me so happy! But it's not that good, I swear! Anyways, sorry for getting all cheesy on you guys. Have fun reading!

Adrien didn't have the slightest clue on what was on the agenda that day; all he knew was that he was late. So, throwing on his white button up, Adrien pushed himself out the door, a light drizzle peppering his flawless face.

He raced the against the clock, his legs carrying him quickly over the slick pavement as he hurried to school. A minute later, the first passing period bell rung, it's shrill voice piercing the Tuesday morning air.

Cursing, Adrien pumped his legs harder, finally seeing the huge high school building come into view. He made it inside the courtyard, and he looked around, seeing the wave of students disperse to their classes.

Adrien chased after Ms. Bustier's first period students, catching up to them and melting into the back of the crowd.

"Oh, Adrichuuu~!" a voice cooed, and Adrien's instant reaction was to groan loudly. Suddenly he felt someone his his arm playfully, and turning around, he saw Alya next to him.

"Hello Adrichuuu~" Alya teased, smirking at the boy's exasperated expression. Adrien rolled his eyes, feeling the smallest of smiles creep onto his face. Even if he was Chat Noir, he still had friends as Adrien.

"Hi Alya," said boy returned, walking closer to the classroom. Alya nodded, clutching her English books to her chest.

"So, doing anything later?" Alya asked, popping a sliver of gum into her mouth, chewing nonchalantly. Adrien stared, bewildered, at the ombré-haired girl, eyes wide in confusion.

Is she asking me out on a DATE? Adrien though worriedly, his eyebrows knotted together. Alya noticed the poor boy's expression and instantly reworded her question.

"No, no, no! I wanted to know if you were free because I wanted you, Nino and me to show Marinette around Paris. She said she moved here from a city called Miraculous or something," the aspiring reporter explained.

Adrien breathed a sigh of relief, his face relaxing. And then he thought about Alya's proposition. He wouldn't mind showing Marinette around at all.

"I'm cool with showing her around," Adrien agreed, walking into the class with Alya beside him. He then walked over to his seat and plopped down, waiting for Nino.

He did not notice the intense stare the ombré-haired girl was giving him.

What's his deal? she thought, her eyebrows knitting together. She pursed her lips in concentration, and it manifested; his aura.

It was a medium grey, not exactly light, not exactly dark. It was blank, it didn't pulse in waves. It was like a mask. Sometimes Alya wondered if that he was masking his true aura, just putting on a show.

He was still her friend, sure, but she just... cautious. Yes, that's the word. She trusted him, but sometimes she'd catch herself thinking, How can I trust someone if they don't trust me?

Because that's what it looked like. Even though he was a good person and a great friend, he was extremely secretive. He never divulged where he lived, his hobbies, his parents' names, nothing.

Alya suspected that he was also purposely masking his true aura. If he could do that, anyway. His blank aura just didn't seem to fit him right.

But she remembered when Marinette and Adrien first met. They had been staring at each other, and Alya swore that Adrien's aura had exploded into an electrifying green, crackling with energy. But it sooner mellowed back into the grey aura.

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