Chapter One

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Outlaw Vices

Third installment in 'The Crane Gang' series

Chapter One

Craig's arms hurt. His legs hurt. His back hurt. Somehow, even his hurt seemed to hurt. Working on a ranch was the most physically challenging thing he'd ever done. But it was better than the alternative.

The alternative involved a lot of whiskey, a lot of beer, quite a few whores, too much gambling, saying far too many hurtful things to those he cared about and causing pain for his family....Craig sure as hell didn't want to do that anymore.

He had to keep himself busy in order to avoid his demons. He couldn't explain why he felt such an urge to self-destruct. He'd always been one of the irresponsible members of the gang He and Willie—they'd caused more than a few headaches for Jeb, Billy, Jane and Wyatt.

But Willie was gone now and so was Billy. Hell, so was the gang for that matter. Jeb was settled down with Gill and Preston. Jane had Pete and Little Willie. Even Wyatt had found his happily ever after with Zachariah.

It seemed everyone had gotten over the past, moved on from the way things used to be and settled into their new lives.

Where the hell did that leave Craig? He felt as if he were lost somewhere in the water. It was dark, he could barely keep his head above the surface and he was getting tired of swimming.

"The boss ain't payin' you to daydream, Craig!" the foreman growled, riding close and nudging Craig with his horse. "Get moving."

"I'm done," Craig snapped, glaring up at the jackass of a man. "Everybody's done. The work's over so get off my ass."

Something flickered in the other man's gaze as he stared down hard at Craig. "When I'm on your ass, you'll know it. Trust me."

With that the arrogant Ezekiel Marks rode off toward the stable.

Craig hated that man. He worked hard. Hell, he'd just spent the day separating cattle while being bumped, jostled, stepped on and ran over. But nothing he ever did was good enough to satisfy Ezekiel.

The foreman was a mean, hard, arrogant, impossible jackass of a man who seemed to aim all his hostility and hate toward Craig.

Everyone else on the ranch loved Ezekiel. Craid had been here nearly a month and all he'd heard was what a respected and fair man Ezekiel was.

He snorted. He'd believe that when he saw it.

"Hey Craig! It's our night off. You comin' to town?"

Craig smiled as he turned to face Chester, one of the few truly friendly faces Craig had meant since Jeb's spread. Chester had welcomed Craig to the ranch without hesitation or question.

"Yeah. I need to get away for a while."

Craig didn't add that the main reason for that need was the grumpy foreman. The man rarely seemed to go into town so, just maybe, Craig could go a full night without being glared at.

"Go get a horse and I'll wait on you," Chester urged. "The poker tables are calling my name."

Craig shouldn't go. He should stay far away from saloons, poker and working women..... but, hell, he'd been a good boy for a good long while. It was time to let loose for just one night.

Craig wasted no more time before rushing over to the stable to ready his horse. When he walked in, he instantly wished he'd moved a little slower.

"Where are you going?" Ezekiel demanded, stepping out of a stall and wiping his hands on his thighs.

"Heading into town," Craig replied, doing his best to avoid making eye contact with the other man.

He wasn't scared of Ezekiel but he couldn't deny the fact that the man was intimidating. And in a closed in space like the stable his dominant presence could be overwhelming.

Ezekiel was over six feet, thickly muscled and had intense brown eyes that matched his dark brown skin. He didn't carry a gun, just two six-inch knives which he wore on his hips.

There was a way in the manner that Ezekiel carried himself that told you he knew how to handle things, and, how to kill. It was something that Craig had learned to recognize in people from a very young age.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Ezekiel asked, moving in closer to Craig and causing Craig to shift sideways to place more distance between them.

Something about Ezekiel caused him to feel skittish and overwhelmed. He didn't like the feelings any more than he liked the man causing them.

"That's not really any of your concern. Who the hell do you think you are?" Craig demanded, hoping his voice sounded steady.

Ezekiel snorted, his large calloused hand, splaying across the post beside Craig as he moved in closer yet, pinning Craig close to the stall door. "I think I'm the man that saved your ass when I hauled you out of that waterlogged ditch, stitched up your busted head and convinced the boss here to give you a job. You oughta show just a bit more appreciation for that and stop being such a smart aleck jackass all the time."

"I'd have been just fine without your help," Craig muttered, knowing it was a lie. Ezekiel had saved his life—and Craig wished it could have been anyone else in the world.

Ezekiel shook his head as his arms fell and he stepped back. His full lips were set in a firm line and his wide nostrils flared. "You need to stay at the ranch."

Craig stood his ground, wondering why this man thought he was his keeper. "I need to go to town. I need to have a few drinks. I need to play a few hands of poker and I need to bed woman or two. What I don't need is for you to keep acting like you're my goddamn father! I work hard around here, I do my damn job and I don't appreciate you riding my ass the way you do."

Again that something flickered in Ezekiel's eyes only this time, Craig was close enough to decipher what it was. Hunger. Oh hell.

Ezekiel leaned close again, the smell of horse, dust, sweat and cedar clinging to his skin. "Like I said before, when I'm on your ass, Craig, you'll know it."

And just like that, the man turned and Craig watched his broad frame until it disappeared from the stable.

He'd been around enough men who desired men to realize that Ezekiel had just looked at him as if he were one.... How hadn't Craig noticed that before?! And what the hell was he going to do about it? It didn't bother him. His brother and his best friend were both those types of men .... But he wasn't.

Surely when the foreman realized his wants were going to be unfulfilled, it would only give him one more reason to be hard on Craig. Craig figured he'd have to leave soon—find another ranch somewhere.

But for tonight, he wasn't going to worry. Tonight, he was going to go have a bit of fun......

Outlaw Vices (third in The Crane Gang Series)manxmanWhere stories live. Discover now