Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

"Where are you off to?" Ezekiel's deep voice rumbled in Craig's ear as the man came to stand close to him.

Craig paused in readying the ranch wagon to simply enjoy the closeness as he trembled. Ezekiel's breath washed over his skin causing bumps to break out on the sensitive flesh.

Slowly, and without much enthusiasm, Craig put a bit of distance between them before any other ranch hands became suspicious. Ezekiel quickly began securing the riggings as an excuse for why he'd been so close to Craig.

"I have to run into town for supplies. Edison gave me a list." He held it up and Ezekiel took it and scanned the scrawled words with narrowed eyes.

"You're going by yourself?"

Craig bristled at the weary tone in his voice and the judgment in his eyes. He snatched note away. "Yeah, daddy, but don't worry, I'll be a real good boy," he grumbled before shoving the note into the inside of his vest pocket.

Ezekiel heaved out a sigh. "Don't get angry..."

"Angry?" Craig flashed a bitter smile. "I'm not angry. Why the hell would I be angry? Because you still don't trust me? Naw, I'm not angry about that. Hell, no one has ever had a whole lot of faith in me. Why should you be any different?"

Ezekiel let out a growl and took Craig by the arm. No matter how hard Craig dug in his heels, he couldn't stop the bigger man from dragging him a short distance away and hiding them both behind the smokehouse.

Ezekiel put Craig's back against the rough wood and his heard body seemed to surround him, making escape impossible. "Don't you ever speak to me that way," Ezekiel warned, his deep voice causing Craig to swallow hard as his knees weekend.

Damn, Ezekiel was tempting as hell when he got in a temper.

Calloused fingers, smoothed Craig hair from his face tenderly. "You know damn well I didn't mean what I said to hurt you. I wouldn't ever hurt you."

Craig squared his shoulders. "You didn't hurt me. You pissed me off."

A low chuckle rumbled from Ezekiel's chest. "I did hurt you and I'm sorry. I just saw that that list from Edison was going to take you to the saloon for liquor and...." He shrugged. "I worry."

"Well, don't," Craig insisted. "I'm a big boy," he winked. "You know that."

Ezekiel studied him hard a moment and then his shoulders sagged as he nodded. "You're right. I'm sorry. I was worried you'd fall back into old vices."

Craig pushed his hips forward, causing their groins to press together. "You're my only vice now," he assured the big man.

Using, Ezekiel's moment of surprise against him, Craig slipped around him. "Now, I have to get to town and get those supplies for Edison."

"Get supplies for us too," Ezekiel spoke up. "We're leaving tomorrow."

"Where are we going?" Craig asked with a frown.

Ezekiel rolled his eyes. "To visit your family. Did you forget?"

"Hell, it's been two weeks since we talked about it!" Craig exclaimed, a happy smile curving his lips. "I thought you forgot."

"Well, I didn't." After a quick glance around to check that no eyes were watching, Ezekiel stooped down and pressed a tender kiss to Craig's mouth. "Get what we need so we can leave at first light."

Craig nodded and quickly walked away, knowing if he stayed hidden behind the smokehouse with Ezekiel, too much longer, he'd end up right back in his arms.


Despite Ezekiel's worries, Craig managed to collect every supply on the list without falling headfirst into a whiskey vat, losing himself to a poker game or becoming lured away by a scantily clad, perfumed lady.

He was just securing the last of his purchases in the back of the wagon when he heard foot steps approach and then come to a stop just behind him.

A chill washed over his spine. Life had taught him that it was dangerous to have an unseen person hovering behind you. Bullets in the back were often deadly.

He spun around quickly and his brow creased. Why was the owner of the brothel standing behind him with her arms crossed over her stomach, her ample chest heaving, her toe tapping and her cheeks red?

"Can I help you, ma'am?"

"I would damn sure say so," she snapped, pursing her painted lips.

Craig swallowed back his surprise and nodded—hoping to appease the angry woman who, though he'd been taught better than to say a loud, was quite large enough to snap him in half without difficulty.

"Let me know what it is I can help you with and I'll get to it straight away."

She put her hands on her round hips and stared him down. "You can get to paying me for the girl you ruined."

Craig frowned, his confusion simply growing. "Ruined?"

"Hell yes. Susannah had promise but now she's ruined and she won't do a damn thing about it. Says she has to talk to you."

Craig scratched at his jaw. "Can I uh.. can I ask what exactly I am supposed to have done to the girl to ruin her?"

The large woman snorted. "Do I need to be explaining the birds and the bees to a strapping young man like you?"

Craig's gut twisted. "Ma'am?"

She threw her hands in the air. "She's growing a damn babe in her belly and you're' the damn scoundrel who put it there."

A/N: I know it's short but it's a chapter! And I didnt' want to keep you waiting any longer! I got 2 out of the 3 stories sent to my publisher so I decided I could get back to 'Outlaw Vices'! Love y'all!

Outlaw Vices (third in The Crane Gang Series)manxmanWhere stories live. Discover now