Chapter 3: Sorry?

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We looked up at the stars in awe. The chirping crickets and the rustle of the leaves surrounded us as we took a deep breath of fresh air. I turned to my left and saw a familiar head of hair. I couldn't place a finger on it...

"I KNOW YOU LOVE ME, I KNOW YOU CA-"Justin Bieber sang out. Don't get me wrong, he is cool and some of his songs are good but he is just not my style. That's why he is my alarm clock.

Since I set my alarm to wake me up at six, I woke up at 6:45 A.M...

What! I'm a heavy sleeper.


As soon as I skip into the kitchen, I see Drew, Ethan, some guy I don't know, and my brother, Cash. Cool beans.

"Good morning Clem!"

As you can see my brother is a morning person. He LOVES waking up early. You have to force him to sleep in. Sometimes when he wakes up early, he is so bored that he wakes you up. He is the oddball  in the family.

"Cash... shut up." I groaned.

I shuffled to the pantry to grab some cereal and then I opened the fridge to grab some milk. When my hand lifted the carton, it felt oddly light. I opened the carton to find it empty. This got on my nerves. I HATE it whenever somebody does this.

Cash saw what was happening to me and panicked.

"Uh-oh. Guys she is about to blow."




The five of us sat at a small cafe. Drew was sitting across from me with a giant bump on his forehead. To his right was Cash, with red hand prints on his cheeks. On Drew's left, was a guy named Augustus, he sat there nonchalantly and unharmed. Next to him was Ethan who had bite marks all over his arms. They all stared at me with horror, fear, and irritation.

"Alright guys," I slowly said, "Before you say anything, just know this wouldn't have happen if Cash didn't leave the empty milk carton in the fridge. And... I'm sorry?"


IM SORRY IT'S SO SHORT AND IT TOOK SO LONG!!!!! DON'T HURT ANYBODY!! Ok I'm done. Anyways, thanks for reading and doing what you do! 

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Kay thanks baiiiiii

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