9.0 •

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I woke up the next morning, the sun peaking through the blinds. I reach over to grab my phone, but was held back by something. I turn my head to see Phil snoring quietly behind me. I smile. We were in the same position we fell asleep in, our legs tangled with my back to his chest. I move his arm just enough to scoot over and grab my phone off the bedside table. I scoot back up against him and he moves, adjusting his arm and holding me tighter.

It felt nice, Nathan never did this with me. Oh, Nathan. My eyes water up at the thought of his name. Tears start pooling over my cheeks, and I sniffle a little. Phil stirs a bit before rolling my body over to face his. I try to shove my face in the pillow but he puts his hand on my cheek, forcing my tear stained face to face his own. I look up to see his eyes full of confusion and sadness and I melt.

"Don't think about him." He whispers before pulling me into his chest. I wrap my arms in front of me and cuddle into his chest. It felt so nice, so warm with him. I never wanted to leave. I clicked the home button on my phone and looked down at the time. It was 12:30, shit. I had to be at work at 1:30.

"Phil." I whisper. He hums in response. When I don't answer immediately, he looks down at me.

"What's up, buttercup?" I feel my cheeks heat up at the name.

"Nothing important really. I just have to be at Star Palace in an hour for work." I say, opening my phone to check my social medias.

"Wanna borrow some clothes?" He asks, "So you don't have to wear the same thing you wore yesterday, that's all. Not because I want to see you in my clothes, I mean, wait." He pauses, cheeks flushed red, and I laugh.

"Yes, Phil. I would love to borrow some clothes." I smile. (Okay so Phil's taller than him in this. Yeah okay bye now!) He unwraps his arms from around me and rolls over, a sudden warmth leaves my body and I frown. I sit up, covers wrapped around me, and watch as Phil chooses something from his closet. He finally grabs a shirt and walks over to me.

"This okay?" He asks, holding the shirt up in front of me.

"Yeah that's great. Thanks, Phil." I smile and take the shirt. "I can just wear the same jeans today, no biggy." I smile and he nods. I unravel myself from his duvet and pick up my jeans from the floor. 'Phil had folded them up nicely and set them on the floor and put my phone on the charger next to me and everything. He must of got up in the middle of the night or something.' I thought as I walked to the bathroom down the hall, leaving Phil to get dressed in his room.

I walk back down the hall and open his door to see him about to throw on his shirt. His arms were up, pulling his shirt over his head, every inch of muscle on his back showing. He finishes putting on his shirt and turns towards me.

"Oh, h-hey." He stutters nervously.

"Nice muscles. I mean wait no! I mean yes they are nice, but no I-" I stop myself and he giggles.

"Thanks." He giggles some more, "Want to go get some lunch?" He asks and I nod, following him into the kitchen.


It was 8 now. I had just got off work and Phil had come to pick me up. I jump in the passenger seat and he starts up the car.

"Hello kind sir." He says looking over at me as we drive off. "Would you like me to play some music, preferably Muse?" He asks in a funny voice. I giggle a bit before responding.

"Yes please." I answer back in a funny voice. He laughs and pushes a few buttons before I hear my favorite song blast through the speakers. We drove towards his house, but a few roads away he slowed the car to a stop.

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