Deep in the Meadow

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There I was just relaxing on my bed when I hear something bouncing off my window. I peeked down my window threw the curtain and I see Leo standing down there with small pebbles from the sidewalk. "Open your window Andrea!" I saw him mouth.

So I did as he said and when I got it open after some difficulty he had the biggest grin on his face. "What are you doing at my house?" I yelled whispered.

"I needed to ask you something that couldn't wait!" He said while his cheeks started to turn pinkish I could tell with the light of my room shining on his face. "Will you go out with me?" He finally asked. "Of course!!!" I screamed and then I heard my bedroom door creak open.

"Hi mom..." I shyly spoke when I could tell my face turned crimson. "Who are you talking to?" She said raising one of her eyebrows then she walked over to my window and looked down at Leo standing there grinning. "Hi, Mrs. Phipps!" He yelled up to my mom. My mom then turned around to me with a toothy smile. "He's cute" she said quietly just to be sure he wouldn't hear but I know he could probably still hear.

I've been friends with Leo since we were in pre-k and being friends for that long... You start to find out a lot of things about that person. I knew Leo had really good hearing so that kinda let me know he had heard my mom.

"Thanks mom..." I said as quietly as possible. She then left my room but before she left she told me I could go down and see him. "Be back home around 10, and inform that your home so I don't get worried."

She said when we finally reached the bottom of the stairs. Then I watched her walk to the kitchen. "I'll be home soon!" I yelled loud enough for her to hear but quiet enough so the dogs couldn't hear. I joyously sped walked out the door to see the darling rosy pink cheeks of Leo leaning against the outside part of the doorframe.

"I missed you..." Finally came out of his lips after a moment of us just looking into each other's eyes. "I missed you too!" I carefully said being sure to not yell to loud. "I think we should head out now"- "where are we going at this late of a time?" I said grinning while we headed over to his electric blue ford pickup truck. "I'm guessing your not gonna tell me and it's gonna be just a surprise... right?" We both got in the truck and buckled up while I was still waiting for an answer.

"Right" he finally said as we headed off down the road. The whole time he was driving I would take short glances at him and he would look back at me with the same half smile that I've learned to love.

I had totally forgot about the fact he asked me out and usually if a girl was in my point of view she would be freakin out that the hottest guy in school asked her out. With my case I've known him since we were little so I was used to him and we knew everything about each other so why freak when he is just the same guy he has always been.

After, him driving for about half an hour we reached a dirt road that just swallowed us in a canvas of trees over head and the white fences lined the outer edges of the road. At the end of the road we reached the normal two story house in front of the meadows of a variety of different colored flowers.

It was Leo's house and it was the meadow where we always hung out.

We would chase each other threw the whole meadow and we always felt like we were in a race with time. We just never wanted it to catch up to us. But here we are at the ages of 17 and 18 when our whole childhood just flew by so quickly.

Even though we loved the advantages adults got we missed being the little kids that always stayed by each other's side.

"My mom made us some sandwiches with some of your favorite little nicknacks." Leo finally said breaking the silence "Are we gonna have a picnic in the meadow under the peach tree again or are we gonna let you fall out of the tree and land on the food again?" I said with a moment of us both sharing a laugh.

We then started walking towards the middle of the meadow where the tree had stood stiff for the years we've been alive. When we finally walked up to it the nice aroma of peaches washed up against my face flushing the pink away with no worries left.

When I finally just leaned against the tree and slid down next to Leo which was giving me a toothy smile an I guessed he was admiring what I was wearing.

During that moment I looked down and realized I was in a spaghetti strap tank top with my booty pajama shorts and my most comfortable flip flops with the touch of a messy bun.

"I've always loved you..." He whispered in my ear. After he said that my eyes went in shock so I added the fact that I always loved him as well.

"Why don't you just scream it to the world!" I said to him with a grin full of laughter so I jumped up pulling his hand behind me. "I love you" he whispered "why did you whisper?" I said with a stern questioningly face. "Because your my world..." When he had said them words my insides seriously melted inside me and could come oozing out at any moment.

There we were standing next to the peach tree staring out on the hills of the meadow while holding hands. We were hand-in-hand and I swore we were so close he would be able to hear my heart beating against my chest with a loud thud.

"Your phone is ringing, Andrea..." He said to me while I was awkwardly forgetting where I was.

I didn't even realize I had grabbed my phone so I looked around wondering where I put it. It was under the tree next to where I has sat down.

When I went to pick it up I noticed the caller ID. It was the hospital so without trying to think if what could have possibly happened I answered.

"Hello?" I said with a worried voice. After hearing them tell me the news I burst into tears. Leo lunged next to me grabbing me into a hug. I had hung up and dropped my phone.

Leo then released me from the hug but his warm soft hands still touched my shoulders.

"What's wrong?" He said worriedly with the expression I only saw once the time I've known him. The last time I saw that expression was when his great grandmother had passed when he was only 10.

After hearing that question come out of his mouth I held my face in my hands trembling I fell to the ground with only my knees supporting me.

"She's gone!!!" I screamed and Leo fell next to me holding me as tight as possible while rubbing my back with comfort.

I could tell he didn't quite understand who I was talking about so I slowly pushed him back as if coming up for air.

"My mom was i-in a... c-c-carwre-ck" I stuttered and right when I said that he understood everything that was happening he could quickly glue the pieces together. She had been in a car wreck and had been killed instantly with the contact of an eighteen wheeler.

Everything was gonna change after that day. My life would be so different without her. She was the one I went to when I couldn't go to Leo. Leo had been my only other true friend. I never really treated my mom like a mom, I treated her like she was my best friend.

I gossiped with her, told her secrets, talked about boys with her, our relationship was different then anybody else's.

With her being gone my heart would be tortured with pain. Why did this have to happen to her? Nobody could answer this, but this was not supposed to happen like this.

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