22 1 1

Sorry guys about not posting much but I've been stressed out lately!!!!!


There we were all three of us sitting under the tree when we started to hear a truck pull up. Cynthia was back and now we had to explain to her that I now had a daughter.

"Before we get back I need to ask you s-omething" Leo coughed as I walked over to grab his hand.

"Anything" I said as I stared up into his beautiful eyes. After I had said that Leo bent over and picked me up around the thigh and put me on his shoulder. He quickly steadied himself from almost hitting a tree branch an me laughing. He carefully set me on the closest branch and I sat there with a grin on my face.

When I realized what he was doing I gaped open my mouth in shock. He had bent down to one knee and pulled out a baseball. At first I was like "what the heck" but then I saw that the baseball had been half slit open. He opened it and a small simple ring laid there in the crease of the velvet colored slot.

"Will you Andrea, be the one that I spend the rest of my life with?" He asked quietly but just barely loud enough for Ellie to hear because in the corner of my eye I could see her with an excited face on.

"YES!!!" I screamed as I saw Cynthia walking down the hill. I quickly jumped into Leo's opened arms and we both fell to the ground and Ellie laid on top while we all started giggling and Leo and I were tickling Ellie while Cynthia walked up laughing at us.

"What's all this fuss about?" She laughed out.

We all stopped, when Ellie and I glared over at Leo.

"Well... um... I-I kinda proposed to Andrea..." Leo said slowly as he stared his mom in the eyes.

Cynthia's eyes popped wide then when I looked down towards her mouth she had the biggest toothy smile and I couldn't see that long because before I knew it she had me in her arms.

When she finally released she looked towards Ellie then back at me and lifted an eyebrow.

"This is Ellie... She will soon be my daughter....." I said shyly while looking down at the ground then rising them to glance at Ellie. When I looked back at Cynthia I realized her smile disappeared and Leo then started to explain.

"Ellie is an orphan that we found hanging around in the meadow which she spent the night and today we've came to really enjoy having her and we would like her to stay." He said quickly.

Cynthia's smile then reappeared and she pulled Ellie into a hug then Leo grabbed me with one hand around the waist and pulled me closer to Ellie and Cynthia and we stayed in a group hug for a few minutes till Leo sneezed and we fell to the ground laughing.

When we all got up we packed up the food that was pulled out and walked back home pulling the bikes along with us.

Since it was getting late we all decided to head up to bed so Cynthia headed to her room while we headed to ours.

"We need to start planning" I decided to break the silence by remembering the earlier events of the day.

"What do you mean by planning? What kind of planning?" He said as he raised his eyebrows and shined a smirk.

"Well... If we are going to get married and raise a kid don't you think we should make some money to move out? It's not like Cynthia is gonna want us living with her the rest of our lives!" I said while picking out my sleeping clothes.

"I know which I have everything planned out. Which I got some good news! Well, I applied for a job at the motor homes place and I got the job. So I start tomorrow." He said with a cheerful voice as he literally jumped into bed.

"That's great but I'll need to apply for a job too, because three people can't be supported only by one. I'm gonna go tomorrow with Ellie to the store so when we pass Barnes & Noble I'll apply." I said as I went to the bathroom got dressed and jumped into bed.

"We will just have to talk about this tomorrow mommy" Ellie said with a whiny voice as she slurred the words together she instantly fell asleep with a slight snore.

Leo and I both giggled flipped on our sides and went to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of Ellie screaming "WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP MOMMY!" She said with excitement in her voice.

"I'm up, I'm up..." I giggled as I slid out if bed, grabbed Ellie's hand, and walked down stairs to enter the aroma of blueberry pancakes.

When I looked around the room I saw that Cynthia had left already and Leo was sitting there in his work clothes which obviously he was about to leave.

"Morning my darlings..." He said as he swallowed, wiped syrup off his face and came over to kiss us both. After, we said our 'I love you' s he headed out the door. As we listened to the crank up and drive away Ellie had found the picnic basket on the counter.

"Let's go get ready to go in the meadow" Ellie said excitedly as she ran upstairs after putting both of our plates in the sink. We I finally started to get up I could already hear the shower running.

"Time to get the day started..." I hugged to myself as I got up the stairs and picked out the clothes for the day. Since it has been cold lately I picked out my oldest creme colored sweater which I paired with my baby blue skinny jeans and I slipped on my sneakers that I wore everyday. When Ellie came out she was in my old clothes which she had picked out my plain green long sleeve with a v-neck she had regular blue jeans on with my other sneakers.

"I'm guessing it's my turn?" I said as she started grinning.


I finally walked out after getting dressed and drying my hair and rolling it in a bun. Which I was greeted by Ellie that had grabbed a small jacket to help with the chilly breeze.

"What all shall we do today?" Ellie said as I sat next to her on the bed.

"I don't know I still need to get a job and all that then we kinda need to buy some groceries for the house." I said with a lazy smile as I looked over at Ellie that had jumped up with excitement written all over her face. I'm guessing she was excited about getting to start our lives all over and get started with a new journey... As a family.


Sorry it's so short I wanted to hurry and get a chapter out so y'all wouldn't have to wait any longer. I've been busy lately having to go to school and I've been pretty depressed so yah!!! No hate and only comment good things cause if u don't like the way I do things then just don't read ok I mean seriously it's not that hard to click the back button!!!! Love y'all;)

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