Sapphire's POV

I walked home this time because I lost Litzy.

Stupid Litzy. She thinks she's a duck because she has this weird obsession with ducks.

Anyways. Like I said im walking home. I don't want to say anything cuz I might jinx the walk home.

But I just hope Calum doesn't show up anytime soon.

I heard honking and when I turned around I saw Calum. He speed up his car and speed threw the puddle that was next to me. I was wet in gross mossy water.

I gagged a little when water went in my mouth. Why did I have to talk?

I finnaly got home and took a shower. I put on my pj's and thinking if I should do my homework.


***next day***

I put on a gray shirt with no sleeves, ripped black pants and vans.

I put on a little makeup and grabbed my backpack.

I started heading to school and when I got there I went straight to my locker. I saw Mr. Clifton take little pieces out of my locker.

"Hey what did you take out?" I asked Mr Clifton.

"Nothing important." He said and left.

I was courois of what was in hold in his hands. (A/n: did that sound dirty to you? Well it did to me.)

I opened my locker and got things for English. I hope Cal- wait never mind.

Calum, please come to the office. Calum, please come to the office.

The speaker spoke.

Huh weird.

Calum's POV

Great. What did I do now?

I went up to the office and saw Joy was there. (Calum's mum)

I saw Mr. Clifton and he passed me notes.

"Read all those out loud. Now." He said.

I unfolded the folded notes and realized that they were mine. I put them in Sapphire's locker. Oh Fuck, did Sapphire tell him?!?!?

Go get a deldo so you could Fuck yourself. That's the only thing that will Fuck you besides your fucked up life.

Can't you see that no one likes you besides Litzy?

Do me and everyone else a favor and just die already!

I said all these careless in front of Joy.

"She didn't read them but, we take bulling really serously- "

"And if I don't stop I will have to be expelled Cuz I already bullied and raped people to much and all that shit." I said and left.

I went to my class and saw Sapphire was being touched by a guy. Sapphire was getting annoyed.

Why is he touching my girl?!

I went over there and u saw that man kissing her and she pulled away. She couldn't let go of his grip.

He started to grind on her and next thing I knew, I started to beat him up.

Sapphire's POV

After Calum was called to the office tapped on my solder.

I turned around and I saw it was My ex. Daviel.

"Why did you try to hide from me?" he asked.

He moved a pace of hair out of my face and moved his hand down to my chest.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted.

I tried to push him away but I couldn't he was holding tight into me.

"Answer my fucking question. " he said. He was grinding on me.

"Stop!" I shouted again.

"Shut the Fuck up." he said.

He crashed his lips on mine but I pulled away.

"Stop it!" I yelled.

Then I saw him on the ground. Calum punched him. He looked angry.

Calum started to beat up the shot out of him. Then he stopped.

"Run." Calum said.

"What?" I asked.

"Run!" he yelled.

I did as I was told and ran. Not Cuz he told me to, Cuz I was scared that Calum was going to hurt me.

***choir class***

I like choir, well only a little cuz Calum is in here.

Now that I have the chance, I will ask him why a protected me from my ex.

I went to him (he was standing in the coner with luke) and when I did, Luke passed by me and quickly said:

"Go back he's in a bad mood."

I ignored him and I was I. Front if Calum.

"Can I ask why did you beat-" I was cut off by Calum.

"Up that guy? It dosnt matter. And what I did for you didn't matter. That didn't change anything." Calum said harshly.

"Well it matters to me." I said.

He rolled his eyes then left.

I turned around and saw Luke right there directly in front of me.

"If Calum isn't going to tell you what you did 'wrong', then I will. Come with me after school." Luke said.

"Ok." I sighed then class begun.

***After School***

Luke and me started to walk over to his place. I felt uncomfortable because he fucks almost every girl he brings to his house.

When we got there, we went to his room.

There was clothes everywhere and it smelled like pizza. There was also a stuffed penguin on his bed. Cute. And a condom box. Gross.

Luke took if his shirt on threw it on the ground. I hope he did that because it is a hot day today.

He sat down on his bed and he left a spot for me to sit at.

I set my backpack down and sat down next to him.

"Ok. So Calum was supposed to tell you this but he was taking forever. Sapphire, you broke his heart. It was when you guys were 12. Calum took you to his room and you guys kissed. You left like nothing happened and he saw that you were taken by Daviel. He thought you liked him. Calum got so heart broken, that he wanted to make you feel the exact same way as you made him feel for fucking 6 years." Luke explained.

"But all this! This must to be way worse, Luke. He put me in the hospital!" I shouted and stood up.

"Well he felt dead inside!" Luke shouted back.

"But why are you afraid of him! A true friend protects one another!" I shouted.

Luke pushed me put i pulled him down with me to the ground. I saw that a condom fell out of the condom box next to Luke's hand.

I heard the door opened and it was Calum.

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